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Everything posted by XodusArt2

  1. pls help, i def cannot get this to work.
  2. It's WoD, so I guess no transparency on helmet models then?
  3. I should mention the model I'm trying to make transparent, is a helmet.
  4. I simply had my folder filepath in the texture location. Like uh: "C:/Thisfolder/Item/ObjectComponents/Head/Helm23.blp" When it just needs to be Item/ObjectComponents/Head/Helm23.blp Pretty simple stuff that I'm embarassed I messed up, but eh. I'm just returning to this after a years break.
  5. So, I'm trying to hardcode a texture to my custom made hood model, but even if I get the texture location perfect, it still doesn't work (green model ingame). Here's; the M2 my game is using at the moment, in 010, here you can see the texture location, etc. Here's; my patch folder. And here's ingame;
  6. Also, I tried actually selecting the hardcoded mode, didn't work, same results ingame. I just need help with the textures, I know how to fix the geometry issue.