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Everything posted by Peacy

  1. Hey guys so I just finished editing some WoW ADT's to fit with my servers story line. After I finished creating things I made a new area in my area.dbc file I then went into noggit and selected the Parent ID (Plaugelands [139]) then selected the Warded Gate, after doing so I began to paint the area I wanted. I then put this stuff into a patch and extracted maps, vmaps, and mmaps. After doing this I logged in game to see everything working fine! The only problem I have is this error when I get near the area I created (not the whole map just that area i painted in noggit) After hours of google searching I still wasn't able to find information regarding this error, normally I just follow what it says but I have no idea what 157 is or why it must be lower then 128??? Thanks!!!!
  2. Yeah, looking closer at the documentation I noticedthat the areabit can't be above 4095 so I'm going to change it and recompile maps to see if that works.
  3. Nevermind I solved it!
  4. Hello Model-Changing, I want to create a Bunny npc that will phase people depending on what quests they have completed upon entering the building. function PhaseSystemCity(eventId, delay, repeats, worldobject) local player = worldobject:GetNearestPlayer(20) if player ~= nil then if (player:GetQuestStatus(40018) == 6 and player:GetPhaseMask() == 1) then player:SetPhaseMask(2) end end end I made the code and it works but there is only one thing i'm confused about how can I make it so when players complete the next quest they get phased into phase 4. In addition to this how can I make it so if they get out of the 20 yard range their phased back into phase 1? Thanks, Peacy!
  5. Peacy

    Flag Question

    Hey Guys, I have this NPC that is unattackable because I get it's unit_flags in the trinity database to 2. I want this npc to stay unattackable untill players trigger a certain event. Upon this event being triggered I want him to become attackable and I'm not sure how to do this. I'm using npc_bal:SetInt32Value(UNIT_FLAG_ATTACKABLE) at the moment but it's not working! Any other ideas? Thanks, Peacy!
  6. Peacy

    Flag Question

    Anyone Know how to solve this issue?
  7. Peacy

    Flag Question

    Would UNIT_FLAG_NOT_ATTACKABLE_1 make the npc attackable?
  8. Peacy

    Spell Question

    uint32 CasterAuraState; // 20 m_casterAuraState is the field with id #10 in the spell the dbc, i'm wondering how that 10 connects to though. I'm trying to figure out how is 10 defined to the aura of victorious?
  9. Have a brain pick for you! I'm making a spell that requires a buff to use similar to warriors victory rush! I'm looking though all the spells that require pocs (or auras) to use and they all have a number in the caster aura state column from stoneharrys spell editor! Victorious the aura needed on casters to cast Victory rush is caster aura state ID #10. Do you know where these IDS are defined? There is literally nothing on google, ownedcore,modcraft,ac-web,model-changing. I'm out of ideas on who to ask! Thanks!
  10. Well chrclass.dbc has a power type field and it does work, however certain power types don't work for certain classes.
  11. Hello Model-Changing people! Today I tried to convert the treasure goblin model from MoP (5.4.4) to WoTLK. I took the creature file and convered the m2s over using a MOPtoWOTLK m2 converter. I then opened the m2 file and looked for all of the different BLPS and stuff that needed to be included in my patch. Finally I added the display ID to creaturemodelinfo.dbc and creaturemodeldata.dbc. When I log into game and morph into the creature my screen just locks and I'm unable to do anything! When I do . demorph my screen returns to normal. Here is a link of the model i'm trying to convert, . Thanks, PC!
  12. Got it to work, apparently my m2 converter wasn't converting particles properly.