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Everything posted by Darkkang

  1. Is Cataclysm 4.3.4, , Is not it more compatible than wotlk? Is it not possible retexturize or fix? If this is fixed, I 'll could share Pandaria and Draenor and maps. Thanks
  2. Thanks, but that's impossible xD. We have a RP server Cataclysm; 3 years are customizing the current patch. We only need to pass the items, the WMO and these models HD finishes. Convert all is hard work and it takes away time. We just need a small converter WMO or M2 (Wod / Legion / Pandaria to 4.3.4) and these models now, or at least the male Dwarf, who is the least hairstyles have.
  3. Hi. I have seen that you uploaded the human model with the tabards fixed, but just for 3.3.5. I tried to pass it to M2I and change him the version but don’t works well the M2mod Redux. I also tried with the script of 010 editor to use the models at 4.3.4 and I don’t understand why gives error. I have all the HD models, but someone like the Blood Elf Male, the Human Male and Dwarf Male fails because or they need hairstyles or the items like the belt or the tabard don’t looks well. If you want in exchange I can upload all the others HD models who run without problem. Thx for reading! (Sorry foy my english)
  4. I have these models but have hards bugs. For Example: The dwarf does not have all the hairstyles and layers. I don't know how to replace or remove geosets, but as I think, if you replace or remove a geoset, you 'll can turn the most important geosets. If necessary I can share the models currently I have. The Dwarf, BloodElf, undead and Orc Women are failing and missing things and if someone manages to fix, will be complete. Sorry my english, thanks for the reply
  5. ¡Hello! I have converted the Human model 3.3.5 to 4.3.4. Can someone pass the Dwarf, Orc Female and Blood Elf full fixed with Tabard, hairstyles, beards and belts? In version 4.3.4 or 3.3.5. Please, I really appreciate it. I have all models in Cataclysm, but these two models are the most errors have. When I have these two models, promise to share the patch here: P ¡Thanks!
  6. Somebody can you share the WMO of MoP, WoD or Legion here please? I can't extract the correct WMO from Cascviewer I would appreciate this, thx D:
  7. Hi again. Thanks for answer me so fast. I earned the Draenor and Pandaria dungeons and all the continent of Pandaria. The adts don’t give me any problem, at least for the moment, but I have an issue. The Wandering Isle load without problem, but I need the m2 even when I’ve extracted all that I could some textures, gives me WoW error although most of them work fine. At Pandaria I can see all from above, the problem it's the same if I decide to move on again jumps WoW Error. All Draenor maps load well and don’t give me any error at least in the dungeons. The thing is a strange pink square. I don’t know if was just another M2 or the WMO, I think that could be the WMO. I tested the WMO from Draenor and Pandaria in 3.3.5 but again looks pink or jumps the WoW Error. I would appreciate that someone could give me the converter of M2 and WMO folders from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 or WoD/MoP to 4.3.4. I would prefer dont do it one by one If it doesn’t exist, someone could pass me the M2 and WMO from MoP and WoD working on 4.3.4 and able to work with their textures? Please, if someone can make me this favour I will upload it as soon as be possible with the Draenor and Pandaria maps. I’m sure that a lot of people want them; I can even try to upload the Legion maps. Thanks for all, guys! (Sorry for my english)