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Everything posted by Kaev

  1. Translation + a list of things that doesn't work as expected would be nice.
  2. I explained this in the starting post: Many developers just don't have experience in e.g. rendering 3d things so they can't just continue Noggit. Also the Noggit code is pretty "untidy". Other tools are usually easier to develope, because you don't need such experience, so i started this thread to get some ideas.
  3. Awards for Releases for useful tutorials, software etc. Community engagement Helpful member (answer questions and so on)
  4. Set it with npc->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE); and remove it with npc->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE);
  5. This are the small mistakes that we all do. I once made a support request at the TrinityCore forum and was pretty sure that i added my script to the ScriptLoader. In the end i forgot to add it to the ScriptLoader and looked like a idiot..
  6. INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject activate', 388, 'Syntax: .gobject activate #guid\r\n\r\nActivates an object like a door or a button.');Shouldn't this be gobject deletelast?
  7. Me too, me too.. Good old times.
  8. ProjectVersionRepositoryWebsiteWikiBased onLanguageArcEmu3.3.5LinkLinkLinkAntrixC++Arkania4.3.4LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++AscEmu2.4.3LinkLinkLinkAntrixC++AscEmu3.3.5LinkLinkLinkAntrixC++CMaNGOS1.12LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++CMaNGOS2.4.3LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++CMaNGOS3.3.5LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++CMaNGOS4.3.4LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS1.12LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS2.4.3LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS3.3.5LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS4.3.4LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS5.4.1LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++MaNGOS VB1.12LinkLink--VB.NETMaNGOS VB2.4.3LinkLink--VB.NETMaNGOS VB3.3.5LinkLink--VB.NETOregonCore2.4.3LinkLinkLink MaNGOSC++Project SkyFire5.4.1LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++TrinityCore3.3.5LinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++TrinityCore6.xLinkLinkLinkMaNGOSC++WCellUnknownLinkLinkLink-C#.NETCredits: I stole this list from Tulba from elitePvPers. Thanks to him! I thought it's a good idea to share this list here. He also made this awesome image where you can follow the "history" of the WoW emulation scene:
  9. What was the solution? Would be useful for others who might face the same problem.
  10. It is a wiki. Instead of complaining, fix the formatting and if there was incomplete stuff, add what Cromon told you. That video does not show streaming but terrain phasing. All content is already in the client. Don't worry, i already got wiki access and schlumpf already corrected some things that were wrong after i've spoke with him. And i didn't wanted to complain about the wiki itself, but wanted to show why people don't like to develope tools with the informations we got. Without the wiki i wouldn't know anything at all about adt files, it's a pretty cool place for informations but it has some weaknesses.
  11. I have no idea, but i doubt that it will work like that. Just wanted to mention that it's possible to do on-the-fly-edits. This is a cool example, i guess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDxcbV0jyfc And to add a bit to the discussion: Yeah, you can find much stuff in the WoWDev wiki, but the pretty bad formatting and sometimes missing informations are a pain in the ass. When i made the reading part of my .adt library, i had problems because some things weren't correctly mentioned in the wiki. I had to ask Cromon like a thousand times to get it working - and i'm pretty sure that i still read some parts not 100% correctly. That's why i'm not developing the writing part atm. And i'm pretty sure if i would start to work on a CASC editor, that i'll face the next big problems after like 20 minutes of working. (+ i'm a lazy as fuck, but let's keep that as a secret)
  12. But don't forget - If your core supports it, you could send mapchanges etc. on the fly to the player when your server is Cata+. That's a big plus for modding.. i think..
  13. There's no 4.3.4 repo on their git repository: https://github.com/ProjectSkyfire
  14. There are even more, but wouldn't make much sense to link all of them.
  15. Hi! I really don't like to write the same code several times, so i created some templates for me which i want to share with you today. The templates are made for TrinityCore 3.3.5, but could also work on newer versions, if they didn't change the scripting hooks. But i never tested anything besides 3.3.5. CreatureScript Gossip-Template ScriptedAI-Template Quest-Template GameObjectScript Gossip-Template GameObjectAI-Template Quest-Template ItemScript ItemScript-Template PlayerScript OnPVPKill-Template OnLevelChanged-Template Tell me if you have any template wishes or found any bugs. ~Kaev
  16. Added OnLevelChanged-Template, because someone requested it.
  17. You can also use C# and depending on the language maybe you can implement it there too.
  18. Hiho :3 The last few days i worked on two libraries which will (hopefully) result in some really nice modding tools. Huge thanks to Cromon and schlumpf who answered my questions! AdtLib335 This library can read and save your adt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many adt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. WdtLib335 This library can read and save your wdt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many wdt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. I also uploaded a minimal demo application. I actually wanted to write a newer Fileinfo/Loadinfo tool, but i'm way too lazy for that. If you can find any bugs, please report them! You can find the libraries in this repository: https://github.com/Kaev/WoW335Tools They're written in VB.Net, you can easily implement them in your .Net applications. Have a nice day!