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Everything posted by Kaev

  1. You can change that in your settings on modcraft.
  2. Kaev


    Looks awesome. You don't want to release it, right?
  3. I would try to ask in the topic you linked. Maybe the author isn't active on MC-Net, maybe he isn't active anymore at all. At least it can't hurt to ask on both boards.
  4. Schlumpf fixed that, not me. Thanks to him.
  5. Correct. As a hobby game developer i can tell you, that MMORPGs are huge ton of work. It's already hard to focus on a little game for some months and polish it. If you're REALLY interested in making MMORPGs, create some games, polish them, use them as a portfolio and try to join an existing company. I mean, it's not impossible to create an MMORPG as an indie (e.g. look at Albion Online and such games), but you need some really experienced developers and multiple artists for everything (models, music and sounds, world builders, textures, game design, core developers, client developers, tool developers, database developers, community managers and the list goes on and on). And the guys you will need for that want to be paid too. But that's the great thing about WoW private servers. You can be a little part of everything. You can modify your core to script some cool bosses. You can use Noggit and create a nice world for your bosses. You have to create database entries for your bosses. If you don't find a fitting model, you can create a custom 3D model and add it to the client. You have to build up a community and make them happy. You have to think about representing yourself and the server (e.g. how will your advertising thread or your homepage look). You can learn how to write some tools that will make your work faster and easier.
  6. First: Before you dream off a completely own MMORPG, finish tons of other games and/or proof of concepts. Take a look at this: http://www.gamedev.net/blog/355/entry-2250155-why-you-shouldnt-be-making-an-mmo/ Imo it's still worth to create private servers. They just took Nost down, because they had a incredible amount of players and hosted their servers in the EU. If you really expect a large playerbase: Rent a server in russia, they don't give a fuck about DMCA. That's how Warmane does it and that's why they are still online. If we would think that it's senseless, we wouldn't be on this forum anymore. WoW Modding is just a specific part of the emulator community in my eyes. We can do crazy shit with emulators and client modding, so
  7. What did you change? Seems like you or the dbc editor did something wrong. It looks like TC is expecting a field with type A but in your file it's type B. (A and B are obviously some placeholders, we don't know what went wrong (yet)) I've encountered this problem a lot when i ported some parts of TC from 3.3.5 to 2.4.3, but forgot to port the DBC structure from WotLk to TBC.
  8. Yup, you can toggle that option with /pvp too.
  9. On which line do you get the error? And show us the text that you read.
  10. If anyone wants to do this, here's the calculation (also backwards, schlumpf didn't want to explain it) in PHP. $b1 = 17367552; // PlayerBytes in Character table $b2 = 33554436; // PlayerBytes2 in Character table // Set Character Features $hc = ($b1>>24)%256; // Hairs color $ha = ($b1>>16)%256; // Hairs $fa = ($b1>>8)%256; // Face $sk = $b1%256; // Skin $fh = $b2%256; // Facial / Others echo "Hairs : ".$ha."<br>"; echo "Hair Color : ".$hc."<br>"; echo "Face : ".$fa."<br>"; echo "Skin : ".$sk."<br>"; echo "Facial/Other : ".$fh."<br>"; $a= $hc&0xff; // Hairs color $b= $ha&0xff; // Hairs $c= $fa&0xff; // Face $d= $sk&0xff; // Skin $z = ($a<<24) | ($b<<16) | ($c<<8) | ($d<<0); // PlayerBytes echo "PlayerBytes: ".$z."<br>"; $pb2 = (256 * ($b2/256)); echo "PlayerBytes2: ".$pb2."<br>";
  11. Do you use Microsoft Search (normal windows search engine)? If the answer is yes, type in ARMORNAME AND NOT _CHEST_ I tested it like that: I have 2 files: at_anweisung_combined.ico and at_baustein_combined.ico My searchtext was at AND NOT baustein Result: I only got at_anweisung_combined.ico If you want to know more about such things, you have to search for "Microsoft Search".
  12. Does it work as you wanted or not? You just posted a snippet without any informations. Also, just for future coding style: If number[] is a array of int or double or smth like that, make sure to write number[0].ToString().
  13. 1. This is int, not double. 2. Just double.Parse wouldn't work, because it actually wants the number as 2,0 instead of 2.0 You can use this: double.Parse("2.0", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); Also, don't forget to check it is really something like 2.0. A user could enter 2.a or something and your program will probably crash.
  14. Schlumpf and me found what's wrong: A commit fucked up listfile loading somehow (probably threading problems). I reverted the commit and uploaded a new version. You can find it in the starting post or here: https://mega.nz/#!qU01SZ4Y!YQvbjXQTo2_aAG1zqw_QL3ervYvy-YRWp0AaINbzXq0
  15. Schlumpf said that this could be a listfile issue. Do you have any custom patches in your client? If so, delete them or move them somewhere else for testing purposes. I'll try my deDE client when i'm at home. Afaik Noggit SDL 1.4 worked without any problems with this client. Maybe the client i've downloaded really has some broken listfiles.
  16. I'm encountering the same thing, but it seems like that this doesn't happen for everyone. Good to know that this doesn't only happen to me. I'll check the commits if someone messed up the texture loading somehow. EDIT: Hm, at least from the commit messages i can't find a commit which changes something there. Maybe we both do something wrong? s:
  17. Be careful, Steff warned me that there are some untested things in the SDL branch which could lead to bugs. If you can find any, please report them!
  18. None of the files worked for me. Skarn sent me his file and i uploaded it for you here: https://mega.nz/#!CVFETYAa!aU2H7enBjRAAJ94ibWIODIayg6QsTZICD_-wIMqPaYU
  19. You can easily compile it by yourself if you don't want to update your Visual C++. I just compiled it with Visual Studio 2015 because i don't have any other version installed anymore.
  20. I've fixed a small bug which luckily noone noticed yet. I've also uploaded a archive now with all needed dll files.
  21. I've cancelled so many closed source projects already that i can't even count anymore. I'm motivated to release things because i love to make people happy and see/read their reactions. It's a pretty awesome reward for me.
  22. I've reuploaded the file because i accidently uploaded the slower debug version.
  23. 100% this. I wanted to write the same but u were faster. I mentioned TrinityCore for the example, but every other core fits too.
  24. It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself. I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday. And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out" And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.