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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. I didn't add any new meshes. Moreover, when I tried converting the original model to m2i and then immediately converting it back to m2, it crashed
  2. I can't help you with 010 editor, but you could always just edit the model in blender . It would help to also import a working headpiece so that you know where the hole for the head should be.
  3. A problem: conversion removes transparency on wings (e.g. Kil'jaeden, Pitlord2)
  4. Yes, I get it. Did you try converting the m2 to some pre-legion version (using Adspartan's converter or jm2)?
  5. So you get a legion M2, convert it via M2Mod, import it in Blender, and it looks like a cube there?
  6. At what stage are they "said to be corrupted"? When you import to Blender?
  7. This is an interesting Modelling suggestion, actually
  8. Yes, sorry, forgot about that. The different meshes looked properly connected in blender, but ended up far apart in wmv/game. Turned out that, because I moved them in blender, their origins ended up in different places, which is wrong, because (during conversion, probably) the origins are all moved to (0;0;0). The way to solve that problem was selecting the mesh which had it's origin at (0;0;0) (in my case, it was the boots of the character), going Shift+S > Cursor to Selected, then selecting all the other objects and going Shift+S > Selection to Cursor. This aligned all origins together at (0;0;0). Then I opened the meshes in Edit mode, selected everything within the mesh, and moved it to the proper position.
  9. Hey! I've been fighting my router for a long time and finally, it seems, have been able to forward all the right ports and host my server using no-ip. At first, I was having problems with people not being able to connect to me at all, but I fixed that by making my LAN IP static, and switching the "WAN connection" setting in port forwarding from "INTERNET_ADSL_IP" to "INTERNET_ADSL_PPP", whatever that means. Now, people are able to log in with their account names and passwords, but not further than the server selection window, where they get the "Connecting to game server..." box either forever, or closing after a couple of seconds. I presume that means they can connect to my authserver, but not to worldserver, even though canyouseeme.org can see both ports 3724 and 8085. Could it be because I'm not using bnetserver (and my worldserver says "Opening muxer thread from inproc://bnetmgr to tcp://" after loading)? If so, could I somehow not use bnetserver and still get it working? I would appreciate any help!
  10. I know what wan means, but what do those three sentences mean overall?
  11. I know how to edit it, and I did. As I wrote there, my 'hosts' file is currently: *hostname* *my LAN IP (I made it static)* *hostname* *my default gateway* *hostname* *my external IP* *hostname* To be perfectly honest, that guide is not an example of good structure or language. What the hell does "wan client pc gets public ip for wow.myserver.org server pc realmlist.address wow.myserver.org" mean?
  12. There seems to be a solution, but I really don't understand what that guide says: https://gitlab.com/trinitycore/TrinityCore_434/issues/126
  13. Version 1.0.1 works perfectly on Cata. Thanks a lot!
  14. No, the flag on the demon hunter skins means that only demon hunters can use it. The skins available to everyone are available to everyone with no exception (that's how it works with DK, at least)
  15. Can't you just look at the original un-edited version of your CharSections table? Copy the dh entries from there and edit the rest
  16. The only reason I am bothering with this whole IP thing is to avoid using Hamach/Evolve/etc., because I'm fed up with them
  17. I can help, depending on the complexity of the required edits. Could you pm me to describe it in more detail?
  18. I tried multiple ways and it only works if I set address and BnetServer.Address to my external IP. localAddress seems to be unrelated
  19. But then, after someone tried to relog, they were again unable to. It seems to only work properly when I write my external IP there, but it changes, and I really don't want to be re-writing it every five minutes. What should I do?
  20. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I had to set both address and localAddress in the realmlist table, and BnetServer.Address in worldserver.conf to my hostname, and it works wonderfully! Thank you
  21. My hostname redirects to my external ip, which is dynamic, hence I have to use the no-ip client, which checks my external IP regularly and changes my hostname settings accordingly