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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. So, anyone knows what I could do about those crashes? Also, is it possible to make chained spells? I'd like to have a spell which, once used, would, for one second, change into (or, at least, unlock) another spell
  2. I'm using the point animation too, but I'm talking about the animation of the weapon. As you can see here, the original model (ignore the missing textures) has a BowRelease animation, which causes the trigger to hit and a smokey effect to appear at the end of the barrel. It seems to me that these animations are copied from the animation of the character holding the model, i.e. if you equip the pistol and perform the BowRelease animation, the pistol will too. Surprisingly enough, this also works if you do the AttackRifle animation - perhaps they are linked somehow. In any case, I used 010 editor to change this animation to EmotePoint: and it does work in WMV (the animation name in that list changed), but not in game, so when my character does the EmotePoint animation, the pistol does nothing.
  3. Hey! I'm editing the GilneasStagecoach.m2 model, which has two meshes and each uses its own texture. It looks normal in Blender, but when I export and convert to m2, the resulting m2 uses the same texture for both meshes. I know it's not a problem with the textures themselves, because changing that one line in 010 editor from Hardcoded to CreatureSkin1 and opening the model in WMV, you can change the texture for both meshes.
  4. I don't get what you mean :\ Which fields should I change?
  5. Ok, I made an Issue report on my core's repository. Let's see what they say. Do you have any suggestions where I should look for Vehicle flagsB? Flags were listed in VehicleDefines.h, while VehicleSeat flags and flagsB were in DBCEnums.h
  6. There is only one .skin file - 00 (although the source model has skin 00 and 01). What should I change here?
  7. Found flags and flagsB for VehicleSeat.dbc
  8. So far, I found out that it does not depend on flags (or flagsB). Probably the animations part. The turning problem also happens when there is no carriage (so just two horses mounted on a harness npc). I am doing some research at the moment. For now, I managed to find a list of possible Vehicle flags and power types (added to the wiki).
  9. Ok, I managed to make the seat control the vehicle (by copying flags from some other entry in VehicleSeat.dbc. The horses even have the running animation when the carriage is running, but they turn in opposite directions, for some reason. So, when the carriage is turned left, both horses turn right. Can I fix that somehow? Also, the carriage has turning animations for ShuffleLeft and ShuffleRight but never uses them when in game. How can I make it use those animations when I turn it?
  10. I can't. I get an error message "You cannot do that yet"
  11. Forget the harness, I just have one vehicle now. How do I allow players to control it?
  12. Ok, I decided to use GilneasStagecoach.m2 (which has both the carriage and the harness as one model) for now, with the horses mounted on it. So, two questions for now: 1) How can I make the player in seat 3 (seats 1 and 2 are for the horses) control the vehicle? 2)
  13. /cast Dark Resurrection Hey! I managed to create a diligence combining 4 NPCs: the harness has two horses and the carriage mounted on it (the horses and the carriage are mountable) As far as I know, that is the only way (and the way Blizzard did it, I think) to combine them. However, that creates an issue: I want players to mount the horses and control them, with the carriage following. How can I do that? Also, a side question: I used vehicle id 959 for the carriage. It has all the right seats and animations, but it doesn't allow people to dismount (the button isn't there). How can I fix that?
  14. Hey! I'd like to downport the Dark Apotheosis spell to my Cata server. I don't need most of its functionality - only the attachment of horns and wings, which should follow the character's emotes (e.g. flap during jumps, roars, flight, etc.) Could someone help?
  15. Hey! I edited AvengingAngel.m2 in Blender but cannot convert it back to m2, because m2mod crashes with the following errors: It seems to be caused by the original m2 itself, not my edits
  16. How do I know which part of the model uses which material?
  17. ^this is my problem. The body is not totally transparent. It is transparent to itself (e.g. you can see the arms through the torso, but you cannot see what is behind the model). For some reason, this does not happen if I zoom in a lot. The wings, as you can see, are transparent in the usual way.
  18. It worked! How can I get the particles back now? Also, I noticed that some parts of the model (the wings, for example) are slightly transparent. How can I make everything opaque?
  19. I know it does, but how do I change it to 0? Also, can I then switch it back on on my newly made model?
  20. Just wanna add that column 3 on your screenshot is for the male version of the title, while column 20 - for the female version. Also, a little tip: removing %s completely will result in the title replacing the character's name completely (visually). That can be quite handy if you want names with spaces or special chars, such as <Kil'jaeden>, <Anasterian Sunstrider>, etc.