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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. How can I remove the "can only target player" flag from ALL spells that have it? Is there an option not to do it manually? A core edit, perhaps?
  2. Hey! Cromon made an awesome tool called WMO editor and it was working perfectly for me, until one day it started crashing on startup for unknown reasons. Here is the error message: I tried compiling the source myself. Here's the error from VB:
  3. By the way, is the source code available anywhere?
  4. I have multiple servers with separate clients for each of them, so this is very useful for me, thank you!
  5. I used the addon to remove the wagons which were blocking the way to the church in Stratholme, but I got this as a result (and some sort of invisible wall stil prevents me from going through, btw) This is the tunnel to the church:
  6. I know, but what are the rules regarding the folders/exe files they should point to, should there be a / at the end, etc.?
  7. No need, I updated blender to 2.78c and it works fine now. However, I don't see the doodads when I load the wmo. Is there a tutorial on how to change those settings (e.g. wow path) properly?
  8. Oh ok I'm using blender 2.78b and the latest version of the addon (just downloaded from github)
  9. I found it on github, but I get an error when I try to enable the addon Also, I remember having used it some time ago, and I don't think it included doodad editing. Are you sure it does now?
  10. Another problem with wmo editor: I used to be perfectly able to load big wmos (such as Stormwind, Undercity, etc.) with WMO editor, but now it keeps giving me the "System.IO.FileNotFoundException", even though the file is clearly present in the MPQ archive.' Could someone help me deal with this issue, or at least suggest another tool/way to remove unwanted doodads from a WMO?
  11. Hey! I got the legion Medivh model, converted to m2i and edited in Blender. I then exported it to m2i, converted back to m2, and also used jM2 to convert to Cata format. However, when I try to view it in WMV, it does not have any wireframe.
  12. I can swear I saw it here recently, but I can't find it anymore. Do you happen to have a link?
  13. If you're using MySQL Workbench, open your connection there and go to Server > Data Export. Then select all the schemas/databases/things and choose "Export to Self-Contained File" below. On your computer, create a new connection with similar properties, and do Server > Data Import > Import from Self-Contained File
  14. I like it, but I would say the shoulderpads are too spherical (almost bubbly), and the shoulders should go deeper inside them (so move them a bit down and closer together). Also, did you edit the character model to get that 1/3 skirt?
  15. *Rolls eyes* *Saliva dripping on the floor* *Unintelligible noises*
  16. There are blizzard-made spells which seem to do that, to some extent: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=88172/faction-override-horde http://www.wowhead.com/spell=88174/faction-override-alliance But I'd like to become hostile, not friendly, to both horde and alliance. Also, what about chained spells?
  17. There is also a nice little extension for Chrome, which allows you to see displayId's straight away
  18. All of that can be done simply with ItemDisplayInfo.dbc - take a look at columns 6-8