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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Hey! Recently, I noticed that just from having a couple of people connected to my server, we all began to have giant delays (it could take more than 4 seconds for a clicked spell to actually be cast), but the game client itself wouldn't show any delay numbers (in that little window which has ping, download speed, etc.) I never had this problem before, and I'm wondering what could be causing it.
  2. Hey! I tried to get some armor from legion, just the textures (none of those fancy 3d things), which seems like a very simple task at first. However, the following textures keep showing up as fully green when I equip them on my character: item/texturecomponents/armlowertexture/mail_raidhuntermythic_s_01_mythicgreen_bracer_al_u.blp item/texturecomponents/torsolowertexture/mail_raidhuntermythic_s_01_mythicgreen_belt_tl_u.blp I tried renaming (e.g. changing the U to M), tried extracting and re-creating the BLP - nothing helps.
  3. I'm using BLPLab for converting textures, but I don't really know how to use it in command line. Could you suggest another tool? Also, am I supposed to use that code on the original blp from Legion, or convert it to png first?
  4. I use Cata, but it worked anyway, thank you very much! For GIMP users such as myself, you can also do Image->Mode->Indexed... (although it does something to transparency, where edges that are supposed to become transparent gradually are cut sharply)
  5. There was no problem with the DBC file itself, because I found one that would not cause the error initially, but adding one empty line (all 0) to it would. I managed to go around it by commenting out lines 319-327 inclusively and 854, though it seems kind of crude. Yes, because with all due respect, they seem to think they are obliged to be asses about this whole "no support for core changes" rule
  6. Ok, I seem to have figured it out. Any spell with ID > 121825 causes this error. Now, this is either a client limitation, or some fucked-up-totalitarian restriction in the core code. Either way, I'd like to know how to go around this
  7. I would also appreciate some help on this issue, because the trinitycore devs are obviously unwilling to assist in any modding-related issues, which I honestly don't understand
  8. Yes, get the files using CASC Explorer and convert them using Adspartan's converter Yes
  9. I fixed this by moving the whole spell to the world database (using spell_dbc and spelleffect_dbc) and deleting it from actual dbcs. However, I can't do that with spells that have any visuals! Please, I really need help with this
  10. THIS seems useful Though I struggle to understand how it works, because it is just SO unstraightforward
  11. Thanks for the warning. Actually, my goal is not exactly disabling the TARGET_ONLY_PLAYER attribute completely, but for it not to prevent players or gms (using .cast) from casting spells with this attribute on creatures, because, unfortunately, many fun and good-looking spells are used by dungeon/raid bosses and have that attribute. So, perhaps, instead of editing SharedDefines, I could somehow make the core ignore that attribute when the spell is cast by a character?
  12. This is only about belts, which are probably the easiest part to attach (and have a not-too-bad-looking result) If you are talking about CreatureAddon's "mount" column, then I don't think it's that, because Kologarn has a vehicleid, so it's safe to assume that his arms are mounted on his torso the proper way (also, if they were using CreatureAddon, we wouldn't be able to kill them separately). So, what's left to understand how his body parts mimic each other's animations, is, I think, to find any unusual flags in Vehicle.dbc/VehicleSeat.dbc
  13. Hey! As most of modding/server software is, thankfully, open source, I've accumulated some questions about using services like GitHub: Let's say I have "cloned" a repository to my computer, and now it has been changed on GitHub. How can I update the one I cloned, instead of deleting it and cloning the whole repository again? Suppose that the repository in the question above is a server (e.g. trinitycore), and after I cloned it, I edited the code to fit my personal needs. How can I do the updating (see the previous question) without overwriting my own edits? I'd be thankful for any help
  14. By looking at the related Vehicle.dbc /VehicleSeat.dbc entries, I am fairly sure it is done in VehicleSeat.dbc, m_flagsB. The seats for Kologarn's arms have 0x10006, which, rather suspiciously, cannot be explained by any given documentation (not even by DBCEnums.h!!!)
  15. It appears that if they have animations with the same name, it is somehow parented.. The same thing happens with that warlock helmet I mentioned:
  16. His hands are separate creatures mounted (literally) on the "body" creature. And they all have animations. In short, it is what I am proposing to do, but I'd need to clone animations somehow Quite a lot of them will move ugly, and it is also rather time-consuming
  17. I mean, which merge options should I use to get the desired result?
  18. I understand, but I imagine this would require heavy core editing in order to work on older versions of wow. Therefore, since I believe a good workaround would be to clone the character model's animations. Then, the equipped item would apply a hidden aura on the character, which attaches the said model to the character's origin. The model should mimic the character's animations in a similar way to Dark Apotheosis wings and that warlock helmet which has wings appearing when you jump.
  19. So, the "collections" models seem to be the armor with the same skeleton as the target character model. When I first saw that, I expected it to be attached to the character's origin and mimic all the animations. However, it doesn't have any animations! Does anyone have an idea on how this might work? Also, is there any tool one could use to clone character animations on this model?
  20. My knowledge of web development doesn't go beyond basic html, so I would be glad to assist you with anything that does not involve it (such as moderating, writing things, etc.) Will I be allowed to post my own trolling and spam as a replacement?
  21. I cut down the number of factions to just 5 (73, 869, 943, 968, 993) and it still crashes! (though now it's 0x7755CECF at 0x00000014) Please, somebody, help!
  22. I'd have to do that to every single spell in the table! Also, SpellMisc is a MoP table