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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Well, I use blender 2.78 and the exact same files as in that archive I linked
  2. Here they are, though I suggest you do figure out what's wrong with your tools Character.rar
  3. Those are encrypted I just got a fresh human female model from CASC explorer and managed to convert and import it without problems. Perhaps, you have an old version of the import script (did you use the one that comes with the converter that I linked?) or of blender itself.
  4. I doubt I'll have anywhere close to 100 players, and my DB size is just a tiny bit more than the usual cata blizzlike DB. And I imagine it makes the most sense to get the VPS somewhere between my location and the location of my players, right?
  5. Which expansion is the original m2 from? And which model exactly is it?
  6. As you can see, that line is under the "M2->M2i Conversion" category, while under "M2i->M2 Conversion" it says Open the folder with M2mod 4.5 and launch M2ModRedux.exe.
  7. I suspect you used m2mod 4.6.1 for m2i->m2 conversion, while you should've used 4.5 for that. Also, it's not my program
  8. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I haven't communicated with you in any language other than english (on this forum), so I just confused you with some russian user. So, could you recommend some
  9. Wait, perhaps you're not russian... I thought you are for some reason
  10. I don't mind a provider in Russia, if you can recommend one. However, I'd like to know what are the requirements/recommended parameters for a wow server hosting (disk space/ram/platform/etc.)?
  11. Could you suggest a specific provider, or some search categories to fit WoW?
  12. The item_template table (SQL) has a DisplayID column. Those IDs are entries in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc
  13. Since players are actually going to mount the harness, not the carriage itself, I want the harness to make all those sounds on movement/idle/etc. Strangely enough, all events in struct M2Array events are exactly the same for this harness model and for that original carriage model, yet the former makes no sounds at all. No problem Problem
  14. Hey! That language barrier hit me hard when I tried to edit Vehicle.dbc. Could anyone explain what each of those fields does?
  15. I know, but the fields in CreatureSoundData seem rather specific, and I'm not sure as to which Sound entry goes into which field (such as Jingles or Wheels)
  16. I found these sound entries for the carriage, but there is no entry in CreatureSoundData that uses them. Would it be possible for me to create one, stick those sound entries into the right fields, and then make another carriage model use them in the same fashion?
  17. How the hell does creature 44928 (one of those gilneas carriages) have sounds when all the "sound" fields in CreatureDisplayInfo/ModelData are 0?!
  18. Yes, I know, that's the point. I'm looking for ways to replicate that
  19. I think I found something! Take a look at https://wowdev.wiki/M2#Attachments, M2Track<uchar> animate_attached;
  20. I know, but I thought the client sails as its server commands. So, do I understand correctly, that the client is taken from blizzard (obviously) and the server is hand-made by the TrinityCore enthusiasts in order to provide the client with values so that it, through mechanisms mostly unknown, produces the desired result?
  21. But it does work somehow, doesn't it? If not the server, what makes it work?
  22. Why does searching for any flag in the whole code only show it in the list of flags? As if the game doesn't actually use them anywhere
  23. I haven't yet checked all those things, but I have noticed something: initially there is no delay at all (tried with 3 people online), but if some of them relog on different characters a couple of times, a bigger and bigger delay appears each time. I tried this with different wifis and there was no difference at all, so it's safe to assume that the delay has nothing to do with internet connection