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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. As you can see in the spoiler, I have edited that. The problem is that my client ignores any edits I make in lua/xml
  2. You'd have to use m2mod 4.8 to export in legion format. There might be other peculiarities, but I'm not the person to ask as I've never ever done anything in WoD or Legion
  3. Without going into much detail, which I am unable to due to lack of knowledge, I suppose those floating armor sets share the skeleton of the player models, and when they are equipped, the part that was assigned to bone X of the armor skeleton is now assigned to bone X of the player skeleton, thus moving together with arms/legs/etc. in a nice way. If I am right, what you could try doing is rename the bones of the old blood elf model to be same as the new one (and make sure the assignments are right, idk if they are updated automatically). You could also try renaming bones of the armor sets, but that would be a ~shitload~ of work. I know that @Skarn is working on an M2 addon for blender, so in case you don't mind sharing the code, it really could help the modding community
  4. Thank you! I hope you are successful in your research
  5. Hey! These two spells: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157739/at-arms and http://www.wowhead.com/spell=173331/at-arms, added in 6.0.1, give your character the 'holding staff vertically' pose, and I really like that and would love to have it on my server. I would assume they involve the AnimKit group of tables, but I will not be able to replicate the effect myself, because there is no documentation on those tables whatsoever. I would therefore like to just copy the values blizz used for these spells and hope they work. However, the new dbc/db2 structure is very confusing, and, having tried, I did not manage to figure out much. I know some people here do WoD modding, and quite successfully, so if there is anyone who could help me get said values, I would be very thankful.
  6. Introduction I bet many of you have, at least once, encountered a situation when you wanted to transmog an item just for fun, but you couldn't because of some stupid restriction, and even though it was nothing major and important, you couldn't just let it go because you have an obsessive personality. Now I shall teach you the excruciatingly sophisticated algorithm of bypassing the bullshit and just making the stupid thing work. I will use the following key words: Source item - the actual item you want to change the look of Target item - the item you want to get the look from Intermediate item - any item which the source item can be transmogrified into This should be working with all Cata + clients. I have no idea about custom transmog systems implemented on clients <Cata. Tools and resources Any MySQL editor The Technique Find the intermediate item Transmogrify the source item into the intermediate item Open the Characters database, the item_instance table In the owner_guid column, find the id of your character In the enchantments cell of that row you will have a bunch of zeros and other numbers E.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Among those numbers will be the id of your intermediate item Replace that with the id of your target item Relog on your character Enjoy your one-handed mace-staff!
  7. It kind of works anyway, but not for all spells, and not if you cast quickly Last time I tried, it didn't work. Do you know how that can be done?
  8. Thank you very much, those are great! By the way, do you know if it's possible to make this spell additionally unsheath your weapon (permanently, even during animations and casting spells)? Perhaps by automatically getting the weapon model and force-attaching it to your hand, if that makes sense?
  9. I did use the template There is some difference, because I can't load cata wmo's in blender, but I can load wotlk wmos. However, cata client can read wotlk wmos just fine, so that's not a problem. I thought about that (and probably will do it anyway), but the import script doesn't exactly work smoothly with all files. Undercity.wmo, for example, loads up without any portals or doodads
  10. Hey! I am desperately looking for the MoP PTR 17585 patch files, because they contain the cleaned-up Karazhan map, which I really need. Does anyone happen to have them or know where I could get my hands on the files?
  11. I did the same with Karazhan (had to replace quite a lot of models) and this happened:
  12. That would replace them anywhere else they are used, so wouldn't work for me (also can't be bothered with all the renaming and stuff) Now, this sounds good, but I have very little knowledge of doing such things, especially considering the fact that I'd probably have to make a script to automatically remove all of the models
  13. Ну, я не знаю, как это работает в 3ds max, потому что никогда им не пользовался, а делаю все в блендере (буквально)
  14. Скорее всего, твоя проблема вызвана тем, что вершины самой модели объединены, но соответствующие вершины развертки - нет, поэтому при отображении модели последние стягиваются друг к другу
  15. Well, it's not the first case, so it must be the merged vertices. I can't see which ones are merged like that though
  16. Your screenshots don't provide much information, but I have seen such problems happen for two reasons: The UV map goes beyond the boundaries of the image, like this: Then you need to make the texture wrap (you can do this in PyModelEditor) Some vertices are merged in the model itself, but not in the UV map, so when the model is rendered the respective UV map vertices will be pulled together. You can fix that in blender by either splitting the merged vertices, or merging the UV map ones
  17. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I set shading to 16, as in the model you linked, and IT WORKED
  18. The one you linked has TILT_X enabled, and I've no idea what that means, but I'll try enabling that. The weird thing is that my 010 editor seems to have some problems, either with this specific model or in general, that it uses up lots of memory and gets stuck after like 5 minutes of editing. Update: I tried enabling TILT_X and also the unknown flags (separately), had no effect on transparency Perhaps I should change something here?
  19. Is that supposed to happen with weapons too? I'm woking on a sword model and transparency works fine in WMV, but ingame mod appears as opaque (mod2x works same as always)
  20. Ah, nevermind, I was trying to do it in VB 2015, not 2017 as I was supposed to
  21. I had thought about that, but it seems like too messy of a solution, I'd like to fix the core of the problem, pun intended
  22. Hi! I'm looking for a way to have flying (be it a spell or .gm fly on) players use flying animations, just like NPCs do, not swim or walk on air. I have tried making an animation replacement spell, but flying animations, e.g. FlyRun, still look like non-flying. It now seems to me that the only way to actually make it work is core editing (in fact, I think it's better to have a more 'general' solution such as this, instead of bothering with spells for each animation, etc.), and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction (i.e. the right file to edit, for example)
  23. Not quite 1>------ Build started: Project: CascLib, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: SereniaBLPLib, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\S1RootHandler.cs(62,58,62,67): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(69,68,69,71): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(104,72,104,76): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(114,68,114,72): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(196,52,196,58): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(454,48,454,51): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DB2Reader.cs(132,51,132,54): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(480,55,480,61): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'string' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\D3RootHandler.cs(480,62,480,65): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DB3Reader.cs(210,51,210,54): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DownloadHandler.cs(91,61,91,66): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\MNDXRootHandler.cs(217,58,217,67): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\OWRootHandler.cs(120,75,120,81): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\MNDXRootHandler.cs(340,73,340,79): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\OWRootHandler.cs(155,61,155,66): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\OWRootHandler.cs(341,96,341,107): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(33,54,33,59): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(43,39,43,44): error CS1026: ) expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(43,44,43,45): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\KeyService.cs(101,43,101,47): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'byte' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(43,44,43,45): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\KeyService.cs(101,48,101,49): error CS0443: Syntax error; value expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\KeyService.cs(101,50,101,53): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(121,40,121,42): error CS1026: ) expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(121,42,121,43): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(121,42,121,43): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\LocalIndexHandler.cs(136,65,136,71): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(153,40,153,42): error CS1026: ) expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(153,42,153,43): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(153,42,153,43): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(165,58,165,65): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(119,67,119,72): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'ulong' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CDNIndexHandler.cs(227,63,227,69): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(119,73,119,78): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(187,55,187,60): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'ulong' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(187,61,187,65): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(193,56,193,59): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'int' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(193,60,193,63): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(398,77,398,81): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WowRootHandler.cs(439,70,439,74): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerBase.cs(184,73,184,80): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\WC3RootHandler.cs(63,58,63,67): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerBase.cs(194,74,194,81): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerBase.cs(204,70,204,77): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerBase.cs(221,59,221,65): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\MNDXRootHandler.cs(2096,41,2096,46): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'throw' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerLite.cs(59,83,59,86): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\MNDXRootHandler.cs(2096,41,2096,46): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerLite.cs(163,60,163,65): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'ulong' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerLite.cs(163,66,163,70): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerLite.cs(173,57,173,60): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandlerLite.cs(181,57,181,60): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DB6Reader.cs(17,17,17,19): error CS1043: { or ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DB6Reader.cs(17,17,17,19): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\DB6Reader.cs(19,10,19,10): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(46,18,46,18): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(100,17,100,19): error CS1043: { or ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(100,17,100,19): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(102,10,102,10): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCConfig.cs(82,48,82,54): error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'string' 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(168,46,168,52): error CS1026: ) expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(168,52,168,53): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(168,52,168,53): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(170,59,170,64): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(197,58,197,65): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(203,46,203,52): error CS1026: ) expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(203,52,203,53): error CS1002: ; expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(203,52,203,53): error CS1513: } expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCHandler.cs(205,59,205,64): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 1>D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\CASCEntry.cs(106,95,106,98): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected 3>------ Build started: Project: CASCConsole, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ 3>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\bin\Release\CascLib.dll' could not be found 2> SereniaBLPLib -> D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\SereniaBLPLib\SereniaBLPLib\bin\Release\SereniaBLPLib.dll 4>------ Build started: Project: CASCExplorer, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ 4>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'D:\BNS\MPQ\CASCExplorer\Source\CascLib\bin\Release\CascLib.dll' could not be found ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========