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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Hey! I have wod models on my Cata server and I want npcs to also use them. For that, I need to convert those hd baked npc textures to the usual format (with half of the face). How can I do that? P.S. Unfortunately, there's no "texturing" forum here, so I'm posting this in modelling.
  2. Maybe not easier, but more useful, because 1)there are 18 models to be changed, against around 20000 textures to be changed 2)after you've changed the model, you can apply any baked npc texture blizz release without having to change the texture.
  3. Can't it be done in 010 editor? Also, since they are using wod models, shouldnt they map the texture as wod models?
  4. Omg, this is just what I need for my project! Is it only for WotLK, or going to work on Cata too?
  5. How exactly does the game decise how to wrap the texture around the model? Maybe I could change that?
  6. It doesn't have to be fast, but automatic. And, if there is any difference between Cata and WotLK format, then I need for Cata.
  7. No, no. Currently, on my Cata server, players use the WoD models, and npcs use preWoD models. I want npcs to also use WoD models, but for that I need WoD baked npc textures. They are different from usual baked npc textures, because they are twice as wide (half of the texture used by face), and for some reason, when I assigned WoD models for npcs and added the hd baked textures from a WoD client, they are applied as old textures:
  8. Some things from MoP and WoD can be just copy-pasted. I did that with some models from WoD (those that don't have many particles and other effects) and the Wandering Isle (though I had to take one from early MoP patches, because later ones would crash my client)
  9. Hey! I wanna change the green slug in Lordaeron to water. As far as WoWDev wiki says, its controlled in AreaTable.dbc in column 30. However, I looked closely at my AreaTable.dbc (attached), and I just can't find the needed column! AreaTable.dbc
  10. My template doesn't incule the needed (MLIQ) chunk. Could you advise one that does?
  11. I decided to copy this here (maybe I'll have better luck finding stuff for my project (I still very much appreciate your help, Amaroth)) Hey! Im working on a project for my little private server to restore Lordaeron and, later, the rest of the "old alliance" cities like Stromgard, Stratholme, etc. So Im asking if anyone here has any resources which would be useful for such project? Maybe you started doing something similar and then stopped, but have some files left, or you can just share some knowledge about projects like that? I'll be happy to see any kind of help! P.S. I know Shelldon has done a great job at this, but he sold it to another big server, and Im not too rich at the moment to buy his work) Besides, I wouldnt spend money on such a small server which is not going to, nor is intended to bring me any profit.
  12. Just saw your post. Thanks a lot, Skarn! I'm gonna try my best. A question: can't I export lordaeron model via wmv?
  13. From my experience, wmos with three numbers at the end always crash. For example, you want to spawn Dalaran. Don't spawn ND_Dalaran_***.wmo (*** = three numbers, e.g. 081), because it will crash. Spawn ND_Dalaran.wmo - it won't. Also, if you want to spawn a city (like Dalaran, again), it will most likely disappear if you move to far away from the center of the gobject. Changing the "size" field in truice (or a similar program) to a big number usually helps.
  14. Will this work on cata? If not, do you have an unconverted version?