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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. I agree that the current system is really inconvenient, but the best way, imo, is to make the quote button quote selected lines/words/etc.
  2. Can you start your server, then make it crash and then send the server.log. Also, send the last txt from Crashes folder
  3. Now that I fixed my stupidity of which I am ashamed to speak, I have the two following problems: 1) I had to merge everything into two meshes (one for the body and one for hands), because that's how the original file was and otherwise what wasn't merged into the original mesh would disappear on convertion. However, I need to use three different blps: one for the body, one for hands and one for the head. The .m2 only contains a "slot" for one: 2) The m2 in the game (dont mind the absent texture looks like that: As you can see, the claw is fucked up and the squidface and the crab leg are movig separately from the body:
  4. I found out I wasn't using the latest M2Mod and so I'm now using this one. Compared to the one I used before, it creates the m2 and two .skin files instead of three, but, hey, it doesnt crash when converting anymore! The m2 still appears as a cube ingame (surprise-surprise)
  5. Anybody can help me with the model convertion?
  6. Its fine if the wooden leg (crab leg, actually) is just gonna move as a usual leg and its fine if the crab claw isn't gonna open/close. I just want to get it into the game somehow.
  7. Well, this is the best I can do. Besides, it seems I can't convert it to m2, so trying to get a better quality would just be a waste of time.
  8. So I tried using PirateCaptain.m2 as the original m2 and the program crashes during convertion. Only .m2 and three .skin files are created (no .anim's)
  9. Ladies and gentlemen!Do ye fear death? Well, even if ye do, ye won't anymore, because now ye will only fear one thing: that I will continue making models!Allow me to present to you the ruler of the Seven Bit Textures, captain of the Flying Fuck I don't give about quality, the first ever faceless with Down's syndrome, Davy Jones!
  10. So, the original one. But which? I used PirateCaptain.m2 as a base, Crab.m2 and FacelessOneAquatic.m2. Which one should I use? PirateCaptain.m2, I guess?
  11. Actually, I managed to do the textures myself. The main question is still converting to .m2. If I use M2ModRedux (which is the only option, isn't it?), what model should I use as InputM2?
  12. Ok, lets say I've done the model. Now I need to somehow assign the textures to where they should be and also somehow convert that .m2i to .m2. How can I do both of these things?
  13. Hey! I try to avoid editing/creating spells thanks to the fucked up dbc system, but I know this is gonna involve spells, so I'm ready. Just please keep in mind I'm bad at it. 1)I want the players to be teleported (alive) to a certain map when they die, but ONLY if they died in a certain area. 2)The area they are teleported to should be phased in a way so that the players cannot see/interact with each other. Maybe some kind of 1-man instance system?
  14. Since my server is pre-compiled and I'm not going to compile one myself unless there is a person ready for such extent of self-sacrifice as to explain me every little step of that process as if I was a 5 year old, which I highly doubt. I thought that this could be realised through a passive spell, which I could make default for all classes/races. For example, priests have a spell that, on death, turns them into a kind of angel (don't remember how they are called). Maybe I could use that spell as a base. Can I set it as an instance for one person, who isn't in a group? Also, would be nice to allow those IN a group to see and interact with each other in that zone.
  15. Well, I thought itemy is something similar to thingy
  16. Well, can't say for majority, but a big fraction, yes. What's so exciting about it - I don't know.
  17. Surprisingly enough, a giant lot of people around the world lacks a middle name.
  18. Roses are red, Violets are blue. The title is english, Why aren't you?
  19. I am proud to say that I'm a professional at messing up. Problem is: I don't really know how exactly I should be messing up in this case.