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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Hey, guys! I just did this: I took the original spell (ward of the worldbreaker) and simply copied it's spell.dbc entry, giving a new Id. I haven't touched ANYTHING else. When I tried to use the spell ingame, nothing worked. From this simple experiment, I can deduce that there should be an entry in some other place (maybe the sql db) for any spell to work. Question is: where?
  2. I tried copying another spell in a similar way: it didn't work. Maybe there's some additional database I have to use? Maybe the sql ones?
  3. I'll start http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kirin-tor/Hagderk/simple
  4. I found this spell which hides the character's shirt and bracers, but more importantly, it hides the tabard and gloves, which are geosets. Maybe I could make a spell which would enable the eyeglow geoset?
  5. Hey! I wanna make a tabard that would not have anything on the chest, but would only have the bottom part (like Arthas and Illidan have, for example). In order to figure out what should and what shouldn't be on the blp, I created one and added some numbered lines. Here is the texture: And the screenshots: Keep in mind I only used the Chest_TL.blp, so it looks like the very bottom part of the tabard (one that is missing on the screenshots) is from the Chest_TU.blp. Anyway, even having such a useful texture with numbers and letters, I'm still really stupid and I don't understand how to achieve my goal. Please help.
  6. Hey! My server is pre-compiled, because, unfortunately, I am too stupid for the complicated process of compiling one myself. Probably because of that or some other problems, Kezan is seriously fucked up in terms of phasing and other things (for example, some npcs which are meant to just stand somewhere, are walking around (though, this happens on the whole server)). Basically, if anybody has an sql file which would fix the npcs/objects/quests/phases/etc on Kezan, I'd be thankful if he/she shared it.
  7. But the original spell works perfectly. The spell is supposed to create an eye glow effect, just like the original one, but green. How can I remove that "hidden aura" thing? Besides, doesn't "aura hidden" just mean that the aura won't show up as an icon under the character portrait/at the top right of the screen?
  8. Is it better now? Yes, but, unfortunately, it doesn't work for 4.3.4
  9. Yes I will, because that shows I'm not just being ignored Better than nothing
  10. Well, you can imagine the character has those horns growing on his head, and is wearing a semi-plate cape.
  11. Imho, shoulders v1 were better than the new ones, because the horns make them really big and I've always been annoyed by how unrealistically big shoulders from blizz are. But thats just a point of view. If you stay with the newer version, I'd suggest rotating the horns down, so they cover the shoulders more closely.
  12. Hey! I want to create a "Davy Jones" model merging the sea vrykul (without the hair and the beard), Merciless one, a pirate hat the crab weapon and the pirate captain models kind of like that: Unfortunately, I'm worse than an absolute zero in modelling and I couldn't even convert an edited m2i to m2 because of some crash. If you do not fear death, please help. p.s. If you know a better way of making captain calamari, I'm open for suggestions.
  13. It should be "dragonprieststaff.m2" and not just "dragonprieststaff" in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc (second column, NOT the fourth one)
  14. I fixed my desctop a bit to go from 1. to 2.
  15. I don't have a texture because I haven't assigned any, but my problem with the textures is this:
  16. I don't really know Ok, thanks for advice, I'll try it out!