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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Actually, it is not a linear proportion, more like a curve. Yes, people who want to steal will always find a way to, but there is a certain point the protection becomes so advanced, that those people who can bypass it are skilled enough to produce content themselves, and, therefore, do not need to steal.
  2. WoW can read patches without a listfile. How does that work? And since it is, obviously, possible, can't we use that?
  3. I'm looking to host my own server, not play on an existing one
  4. Well, what exactly do you want to achieve by recoloring?
  5. One little misake in the sql script can cause things like that
  6. It's sad, but, honestly, they had it comming
  7. I quoted Skarn, so I meant his 010 tutorial (one that's in Miscellaneous/Tutorials)
  8. That's exactly what I wanna do, I just need to write a script for that. Is your 010 tutorial enough to do that?
  9. Hey! It crashes when I use it. There's an error, but it's in russian and I'm not sure how to translate it. Also, what exactly is supposed to be in patchlist? The current names of the files, e.g. File00000001.blp?
  10. Also, is it possible to link an external database, that's not on the same server as the website?
  11. Hey! I'm trying to switch from using hamachi/evolve/etc to FileZilla and 0fees.net. I went through the website code (attached) and can't find any links to the mysql databases (where the accounts should be saved (I want that to be the 'auth' database and 'account' table)). Can someone help? website.rar
  12. The only thing that looks like it is "$acc_db". Is it some kind of variable, which is set elsewhere, or should I just change that to "$auth"? And where do I set the table to be "account"?
  13. Thank you, I'll try btw, this game is stolen from Blizzard Entertainment On a serious note, I got this website together with my server (which is pre-compiled), so I didn't know. I am most likely to change it anyway. But thanks for telling me.
  14. Hey! I have, once again, decided to finally try and create a proper spell (all of my previous attempts have failed miserably). I took the spell Ward of the Worldbreaker as a base. I found all of the dbc entries for it and duplicated them to end up with a spell that should give your character a green fire effect on the eyes. Here you can see how I duplicated the entries: Spell.dbc Original Custom SpellVisual.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualKit.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualKitModelAttach.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualEffectName.dbc Original Custom My result: nothing works.
  15. I was following that guide, yes. But exporting as "armature" wasn't mentioned anywhere. To be honest, I don't even see the word armature anywhere on those screensots I've posted. And what about those 4 render flags? Why does the original model have them? Maybe I'm just stupid. Sorry(
  16. I said I just copied the render flags from the original Glaive_1H_TwilightHammer_B_01.M2 model. And there's a screenshot showing that model having those render flags. What do you mean? Where do I choose how to export it?
  17. Might be quite annoying, but I'll show the whole process: 1) Saving the two models: 2) Converting one, using RenderFlags from the original model, then repeating the whole thing for the othe one: 3) Trying ingame: 4) Converting to Cata using jM2 (repeating for both): 5) Trying ingame: 6) Crying
  18. Hey, could you please post a screenshot of the Undercity, viewed from above?