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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. I did, both the script and the quest point at npc 1
  2. Here's my quest: The gameobject: The loot table: And the (not too) smart script: It's not working :\
  3. Apparently there are only "add quest" and "fail quest" action_types. How insanely stupid
  4. Actually, I had a similar idea, but I don't think I found a smart_script action like that. Maybe I just missed it, I'll have another look today. So, what requirement should I put in quest_template? I must put something, else it will just auto-complete instantly after being picked up. Both of "the following", or either? What do you mean? Editing the core? What exactly is an AreaTrigger? Something like an invisible imp npc? If not, how do I create one? By the way, how can I make a 3d model show up in the quest window, like in those cataclysm quests you mentioned?
    I've been having lots of trouble with SpellEffects.dbc (which is required to make any decent custom spell), as well as .db2 files in general, until I discovered this wonderful tool, which fixed all my problems. Also, judging by my experience in using other database editing tools, I can't comprehend the magnitude of the technological advance this editor is. Keep in mind that it was done by just one person, who was only learning how DBCs work along the way. Overall, really awesome work, barncastle! It's this sort of projects that keep the thing called "wow modding" going.
  5. I tried DBCUtil but it wouldn't convert it back from csv to dbc. Tried Taliis - still crashing
  6. I really have no idea why, but the problem seems to have disappeared. I just don't get teleported to Acherus anymore. It's weird. When it happens again I'll check if learning the spell will prevent it. Thanks for your time anyway
  7. Hey! Apparently, the people working on the 4.3.4 trinitycore build don't really like when people get too creative, so they won't help with pretty much any edits. Anyway, question is: how can I edit the core (or something else?) to fix this problem?
  8. Still having this stupid annoying error. Could anyone help?
  9. If you managed that, why would you then convert it to m2i? Just put it in the game
  10. I was having fun with the Avatar on my freshly compiled server, and decided to make some 'artistic' screenshots
  11. Hey! I decided to try, once again, to compile a server on my own. I followed this guide, using this source. All was fine until I got to the part where you set up the SQL tables. I connected to root (using Navicat), ran create_mysql.sql, and ended up having the following databases: auth, characters, information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, test, and world. Auth, characters, test, and world are empty. Following the guide, I downloaded TDB_full_world_434.15_2017_01_02.sql and placed it in the same folder as bnetserver.exe. I then ran the latter in hopes that it would prompt me to create databases and all would be wonderful, BUT NO! Bnetserver.exe just closes instantly (which makes sense, since there are no tables for it to connect to). What should I do?
  12. Keep in mind that I'm not any kind of a modelling professional. I'll think about it and, if I come up with something (unlikely), I'll reply here
  13. Then, I guess, you can import the .obj into blender, make the required changes, and then export as .m2i. Doesn't that tutorial cover the conversion process?
  14. Right, I don't even know where to start, because everything is just totally fucked up. First, worldserver was crashing because it tried to update the sql tables using files for 335->434 sql conversion (I've no idea why they were even present in the source). I just deleted those files and all seemed ok (except for the fact that it still updates some sql tables every time I run it) Then, I found out that the locales_creature table is basically absent from the database. Weirdly, some npcs have names in English and some - in Russian (when I see them in game). Also, texts in books are unreadable because they appear as random letters/signs. Now I just noticed that the item_template table only contains 207 records (I noticed that because I was going to edit an item in Truice, but it couldn't find it). Most bizzarely, the game client and worldserver.exe can still somehow access all items (lookup, add, etc.), including those not present in the item_template table. Please, help me before I go totally insane
  15. Why would you use OBJtoM2? It's only for items/objects, as far as I know. Creatures should be done using M2i<->M2.
  16. Hey! I know it's possible to convert models from HotS to WoW and I was wondering if someone has done that with the new Medivh model and could share, because I am absolutely unable to do that myself (omg leecher hang him !!!111). If you are the one, please reply here or PM me. In case someone is only planning to do that, I would suggest from the heights of my unprofessionalism that the Lich King model could be used as a base due to many similarities (cloak, large boots and shoulderpads, etc).
  17. Hey! I want to make an sql script that would give a certain accound all rbac permissions. Basically, it needs to repeat the following statement: INSERT INTO `rbac_account_permissions` (`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES ('1', $permission, '1', '-1') With $permission increasing every time from 1 up to 841. I've searched the internet for quite some time, but none of the suggested methods (e.g. creating a procedure) work.