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Everything posted by Смердокрыл

  1. Has anyone managed converting the legion warlock mount, without it looking ugly?
  2. Looking for someone to guide me through the complete process of making my server (I'm using a router) public through no-ip.com.

    So fucking fed up with all this port forwarding shit.. as well as with hamachi and evolve

    1. Смердокрыл


      Nvm, fixed it on my own! *proud*

  3. Есть ли инструкция, как проделать подобное с клиентами других версий?
  4. Now I changed it, removing alliance and horde, and adding other factions. Since I wanted the spell to affect many factions simultaneously, but a spell can only have 3 effects, I had to make multiple spells, with each of them forcing reaction for 2 factions and triggering another one of those spells. It looks like this: Now I cannot log in, because the game crashes when the loading screen shows up:
  5. Who is that overly thankful spammer?

    1. Ohai


      Skarn or other admin should block IPs, theyre stealing my spotlight spamming around like this all the time.. ¬¬

  6. I made a spell (an aura, actually), which should make demons friendly, and Alliance and Horde - hostile. The friendly demons part works perfectly fine, but the other thing is not working and, moreover, causes a crash on first log in. The entries in SpellEffect.dbc:
  7. So, as I said before, you are suggesting replacing the model of the doodad itself, which I can't do, because that model is used in that wmo multiple times, and in correct places.
  8. I can't do that, because that will also replace the bridges which are in the correct places. There must be a way to do that via 010 editor
  9. Hey! I want to create 3 quests: they will all be started and ended by the same NPC only one of those should appear at once (with same probability) they should all be repeatable all of them require you to kill some creatures a big quest follows them Right now I have problems doing the following things: I want the creatures required to be killed to only appear for people who have the quest Having completed each quest once (since they are repeatable) should make a big quest available Could anyone help me?
  10. I tried. It crashes when I click on the wmo
  11. Thanks! Everything is working now (though I used the 3.1.0 converter). However, the problem now is that I have too many doodads: Is there a way I can remove that stupid floating bridge using 010 editor?
  12. Hey! I tried to run that SQL file (the light version) on my server, but it only produces this error for every single object:
  13. Update: I used that ModelConverter3 you linked for World\wmo\BrokenIsles\Legion\7LG_Legion_CommandCenter01_Horizontal.wmo, and also added it's doodad m2 (also converted), and it now works fine. I suspect I might have a similar doodad problem with Kil'jaeden's ship. Is there a way to check the doodad list for that wmo?
  14. Converted World\wmo\Dungeon\TombOfSargerasRaid\7DU_TombOfSargeras_KiljaedenShip.wmo and World\wmo\BrokenIsles\Legion\7LG_Legion_CommandCenter01_Horizontal.wmo crash the client when I try to spawn them (as gameobjects)
  15. Hey! I wanna make a quest for the newly created characters (I want them to have the quest automatically when they are created) that would require them to use a nearby chest, which drops an item. An autocompletion thing should then come up. Main points: the item should not be consumed by the quest, so that the characters can later equip it there are no NPCs involved (the quest is accepted and rewarded automatically) I don't mind either using the object or receiving the item to trigger quest completion, as long as the item isn't consumed Please, help
  16. I don't quite understand what you mean. I want it to keep it's current x and y coordinates, but change it's z coordinate to -0.48. Yes, but after the condition is checked, I need a certain smart script not to allow the boat to move, an it has to be checked during movement, so that if the boat collides with the shore, it would get stuck. Unfortunately, there is nothing similar to SMART_EVENT_CONDITION_CHANGE, so I have to choose another event type, and I really don't know which. So, for the vehicle being mounted (or not), is it SMART_EVENT_CHARMED 0/1 or SMART_EVENT_PASSENGER_BOARDED/REMOVED?
  17. This worked wonderfully. Thank you so much! AIName wasn't the problem. I'm not sure what was, but I think it was my quest type that was set to 2, or some flags, or whatever. It's complicated : ) Anyway, following the example of that Creepy Crate quest, I just made that object to be questender and give the item as quest reward. So, basically, the whole quest, meaning getting it, doing it, and completing it - works fine. However, there's one thing left: would it be possible, for example using that conditions table, to make the object disappear (and never return) after being used to complete the quest, but only for the player who completed the quest? In short, for the player who is doing the quest, it would look as if he picked up the object, therefore it is no longer where it used to be. New players, however, would still see it there, because they haven't picked it up yet. And another question on SmartAI, if you don't mind: I made a boat vehicle creature (the vehicle nature of it works fine, just in case), and I want it to do the following things: Every time it is unmounted (PASSENGER_REMOVED or CHARMED with param 1, maybe?) it needs to change it's original position (isn't that what SET_HOME_POS does?) to it's current coordinates, so that even after the server is restarted, it would spawn there Since it's using a waterwalk aura, I can't just spawn it on the water - it has to be a little bit below the water surface (z = -0.48, to be exact) in order to look partially submerged, like normal boats. I want the boats to jump to this coordinate (only Z) every time they are spawned/respawned/mounted. You know, in case they've been moved up/down somehow or whatever. Not being able to walk/run on land Could you help me with these?
  18. Sounds awesome! Will try the moment I get home. What do you mean by ? Are you talking about some textures which are not contained in the average wow client? Is there any way we can get them then?
  19. After a little research, I came up with some ideas as to how to proceed with this: Try target type 27 (SMART_TARGET_LOOT_RECIPIENTS). This leaves me with the problem of the gameobject being available for looting to any players, not just those with the quest Try a completely different method: Change gobject type to 2(QUESTGIVER) Add it to the gameobject_questender table Add a smart script with event type 20(SMART_EVENT_REWARD_QUEST), action type 56(SMART_ACTION_ADD_ITEM), and target type 7(SMART_TARGET_ACTION_INVOKER) The latter seems like a good option, because since the event is quest-related, it will only give the item to characters with the quest. However, I don't know whether questgiver gobjects work similarly to chest objects in being visible only to characters who have the related quest (for chests, the id goes to data8). Moreover, given the weirdness of the whole SmartAI system, I don't know whether the whole thing will actually work. To add the quest, I could do the following: Add an entry to AreaTrigger.dbc with the coordinates of the character starting point Add it to the areatrigger_scripts table with ScriptName "SmartTrigger" Make a smart script with event type 46(SMART_EVENT_AREATRIGGER_ONTRIGGER), action type 7 (SMART_ACTION_OFFER_QUEST) and Param2=1, and target type 7(SMART_ACTION_INVOKER) However, I would expect this to give the quest to all players who step into the trigger, not just newly created characters, which is a problem. Would it be possible to add into the smart script a check whether the quest has been previously completed by the character? Also, the functionality of the ACTION_INVOKER target type is questionable.