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Everything posted by MR.Farrarie

  1. because Adspartan stopped working in his tool and that's sad because he listed a lot of plans of updates on it
  2. liquids like fel-lava become green water
  3. try the resolution of any old character model resolution I think its shown in phantomx model if I'm not wrong
  4. I think the problem is from uv maping try checking the video of phantomx he did a good tut
  5. you said you want male naga with armor just put armor in the dbc and if not maybe his model have many vert so you need to remove doubles and decimate in blender
  6. guys I wanted to make a new spell in wod and I found that they changed the missile ID from spellvisual.db2 to SpellVisualMissile.db2 but I cant find any link between the spell and the missile in SpellVisualMissile.db2 and I cant find anything in the web that can tell me what is the column 2 in SpellVisualMissile.db2 the only thing I know is column 3 is the column that have the id of the missile in spellvisualeffectname.db2 can any one tell me what is the link between the spell and spellviualmissle.db2
  7. yea editing wmos in blender converting obj and 3ds to custom wmos m2 would be helpfull some 3ds and obj give errors and some don't show in game
  8. I don't know how Razmataz did it but in wod its working in legion it give an error. and even after I did a new spellvisualmissle the new spell don't have a missle only precasting
  9. thanks a lot the spell I was using didn't have a missle id but other spell have
  10. its all a simple argument and few bad words no need to make it bigger my friend
  11. most people know what Schlumpf did for wow modding no one denies it specially Schlumpf never refused to help other when they ask him but what is Rangorn trying to do in my opinion is trying to tell people that Legion modding is possible maybe this is a misunderstanding both of them answered many question helping me and other in modding so in my opinion they are great people some people will talk to you with respect but in their heart they don't want to help you but other maybe will argue with you some times but in truth they really want to help you (( don't judge the person when he say something when he is furious ))
  12. the first time I see wungasaurus give a smile even if its sarcastic but as Garrosh said Rangorn really did a great thing he showed that custom maps in legion isn't impossible and if you share the knowledge maybe and I hope people will try to move from wotlk to legion but the fact still the discoverer of the knowledge have the freedom of sharing it or not but it will really help the community to move to legion
  13. I understand you ment map designers but not all map designers use custom models my friend some map designers use wow models and wow models in cata and up look better but for you I agree your map look incredible in 335 so you don't have to convert your map to wod or legion not only the particules but the texture legion and wod can use high flags that will crash in 335 to make the texture more hd I tried that with legion wmo but in wotlk you have to decrease some of the flags and by so the model resolution will be lower
  14. not worthless for so many people but worthless to you and some others my friend
  15. c'mon now I haven't even finish my popcorn
  16. this is the best thing I liked In legion other than the updated phys
  17. you tell'em that nokia 3310 is da best
  18. It’s terrible to hear about your loss and I express my sincere sympathy to you and your family my deepest condolence to the cunt
  19. its been long very Long time no see