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Everything posted by MR.Farrarie

  1. then the only way is replacing your m2 with a fog or something near invisible
  2. you can by using common wmo editor
  3. throw it into notepad and search for m2 or in 010 but notepad is fast
  4. it work in 335 with the converter but wod it crash to fix this you need to import and export in blender using skarn plugins and the weird thing now it will work in wod and crash in 335
  5. did you try skarn plugins ??
  6. if the problem persist try import and export without doodads in blender using skarn plugins
  7. try converting it with ver 3 the one I shared in one of my comments
  9. check Philip the noob modeler or modder in youtube he did 3 videos on that
  10. its not the converter 335 don't have phys it been added in mop and its nearly impossible to convert to lower expansion if a phys from legion you cant convert to wod or if you did it will be fucked up
  11. check inico py script it fix the helmet problem
  12. wierd I think Desed use a blizzlike listfile but try to ask Desed for his listfile maybe he used some custom ones
  13. if your mpq did that to it self becuase it was old sometimes it happens to me dont know why you have to extract the listfile and change it to txt by save us all and name it listfile.txt by notepad ++ but if someone took out the listfile by purpose if his path are custom paths I dont think its possible
  14. did anyone managed to convert SuramarCityDungeon with no crash ingame ?
  15. I'm searching too for the dbc that have the spell blp because I want to make a new drain life spell with custom blp
  16. DUDE you can get cata wmo from legion there is no difference
  17. sad to tell you that I dont think that spellvisual db can change color of a spell
  18. I think some of the dk strikes have m2 try to look on those and I think legion use better texture maybe replacing the cleave texture I think
  19. iv test the creatures that had problems with the previes converter like felguard2 and its working now !! until now no bugs very great update
  20. thanks for the great update !!!!
  21. and thanks a lot @Inico for the converter