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Everything posted by MR.Farrarie

  1. I don't think wotlk have this flag in wotlk you have to rotate the weapon in blender
  2. I saw the twilight realm spell from ruby sactum I tried to do a new spell from it so these dbc I used spell.dbc column 112 screen effect column lightparam because you only can open with wdbx editor lightparam.dbc colounm 3 lightskybox.dbc the weird problem is that screeneffect.dbc only can use light param ID 4 ! to change the skybox other light param id with skybox will not work ! in WOD it work but in 335 it dont !
  3. I don't know but you can try to edit stuff here and there until you find the right struct mat
  4. transparent are edited in renderflags in .m2 by 010 try playing there until you fix it and if the problem persist try skin01 and about the particules use particule cloner if it didn't work copy particule by hand if you don't know how wait maybe someone will create a create particule script or update the particule cloner
  5. try skarn wmo plugins to edit wmo in blender and if you wanna replace an wmo that is similar to old one just replace the name
  6. you open the m2 in 010 and then open the m2 template and then search for the animated texture change it to 0 then search for particules change It to 0 then save the m2 about switch it back if your working on 335 you can copy particules but cata and up I think you have to use m2mod but it will not always work but now 1. test 2. then think about switching back things
  7. so when you try to convert m2 to m2i it say your m2 file is corrupt ? if that so I think there is 2 problem 1- you removed the header and tried to convert using m2mod 4.8 show me a picture of you m2 in 010 2- the m2 have animated texur new legion ribbon or fucked up legion particle try to change them to 0
  8. check if the model have animated texture or particule try to change them to 0 and check if they work
  9. did you joined the mesh together ? try wright the way you solve it so other who got the same-problem benefit from it
  10. Version 1.0.0


    it was unfinished project I wanted to share the wmo it contain if im not wrong 30 buildings I may update it and add more sci fi stuff like jedi temple or spaceships with their bridge and corridors yet some are too big and some are normal for testing size ingame I wish to see a sci fi wow thanks to the modders and devolepers every thing is possible you can change size or edit it by @Skarn wonderfull plugins plz dont forget to check @Amaroth awsome channel credits go to the artists Kimball Denetso Szymon Kedra Stefan Kreller Mathias Omotola Joel Berberena Andrey Petravchuk Kevin de Gray Israel Soteldo Ragnar L. Borsheim Jun Aguelo Strider Moore Eddie Podesta Josue Gonzalez Hooman Bhr Peter Koenen Michal Gradziel Aeron Miles
  11. best think is youtube you can search for different tut if you didn't like this one is this the tut that didn't work with ya try telling them here if your very new to this there is repacks you can start testing on repacks
  12. nice work thanks Roccus try to upload it into download section and write the name of the person who updated it because I test it even convert m2 with high poly and triss and only have 2 skin files
  13. maybe you think its stupid but think about it this way other person had your same problem found your thread learned from it
  14. yup its possible to convert back from 335 convert the model by script lktocata and then do the same as converting wod to legion but don't change back the unit version to 274 keep it 272 and about M2ModRedux version 4.8 I don't think there is new release I think the latest is m2modredux 4.6 you may check here but Skarn told us that Miton is at the moment working on a Blender plugin for .M2 models and about assign geoset in 010 editor I don't think people will share that in public I will do if I know but 010 is a bit more pain in the head than pymodel editor you may ask Inicio very respecting, good person and very good at m2 but at the moment he is a bit busy
  15. throw the root .wmo to notepad and get the path for all the texture and then extract them
  16. try extracting the ship from live they usualy bugged at ptr but if the problem still you have to wait for KJ encounter
  17. try getting those wmos from previes expansion like mop cata
  18. X-D better than wow april fool day
  19. thanks for the new update keep up the incredible work
  20. thanks to Skarn he made a very helpful plugins for wmo customization you can join 2 wmo to a single one like a exterior with it interior
  21. I think its the same as this one
  22. search for the .m2 name that you don't want then replace it with another .m2 1. how to find the .m2: throw the wmo to notebad get the list file of .m2 search for them in the modelviewer and get the name of the .m2 you don't want 2. how to replace :name an alternate .m2 with the same .m2 that you don't want copy it to the same folder and replace
  23. its worst in the 010 editor if you removed a doodad it will be small white with blue box and bro you don't change the bridge you only replace the small doodads that is flying