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Everything posted by Furioz

  1. I dont think this would be hardcoded into the client, U seem to have covered most of the things i've thought it could be. Maybe adding a new line to the dbc was incorrect, since u replace the texture (blp) , there is no need to add a new line defining the same replaced blp. also skin or m2 files load the blp as mentioned above so i dont think it's need to adjust it in there if everything is the same as before. Just keep the same name of the file ur adjusting and use the same dbc line, in theory that should work. Also when converting, I prefer to use BLPConverter and use the FBLP_PAL_A8 output. Other options sometimes give problems.
  2. Yes it is possible. If u download one of the custom login or character screens u will get a file called characterselect and charactercreate.lua , I've seen maxclasses value in there u would have to change that. BUT U will also have to change the core side , because ur core is limited to 10 races aswell.
  3. Yes we do have them and various other things like working monk class (soon finished) and full demon hunter class and their matching races (dh night elf & dh blood elf). Feel free to contact me on discord. Mr. Furioz#8747
  4. With pleasure, as I said on discord. Hard work diserves respect. I can vouch for this Seller, Been talking with him and seen most of his products and skill in action.
  5. Pretty nice tool, had this issue a lil while ago . Personally i use Renamer (cracked) , it's sort of the same and allows u to add mutliple lines of configurations. Because some other gears need a slight rename when downporting from SL Still nice job
  6. Looks really intresting, nice job . I've contacted u on discord for prices. & good luck with sales!
  7. Hello mate do u have discord ? I have some questions about the way u upscale them, is this possible for newer gears aswell? I tryed it but they start as 512x so upscaling them makes them 2064x so i have reduce the size by 25% again wich results in the same quality. do u use max compression or other things to make them look as stunning as they do, because now pre cataclysm sets are more beautyfull when it comes to details then newer onces
  8. I'm currently learning alot about how to fix the models further with 010 editor. Some of the models work , some are meh like the hand. In most cases (with a large adress aware wow.exe) i dont crash, but another dev (whitout laa wow.exe) crashes on morphing into the model so use with care. i'll try to publish an update later today of the shadowlands creatures.
  9. i'm working on an update but i'm really busy, but should arrive soon. But pleased to say that thanks to somebody mentioning txid, i was able to fix the hand mount :).
  10. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=wow+model+viewer&iie=1 https://lmgtfy.app/?q=wow+model+viewer&iie=1 https://lmgtfy.app/?q=wow+model+viewer&iie=1 The application u seek is wow model viewer i assume instead of mywarcraftstudio?
  11. Thanks, any hint on how I can retrieve this bonus data or where I can find a link to it? Because these "advanced" models load in WMV and I was looking if it states somewhere wich layers that arent loading properly. also thanks for ur time, love ur work
  12. Dear modders, I have come across a small problem while converting content and to fix a problem one must understand the issue. But I cant seem to find a clue on what is different. information When loading models in Wow Model Viewer, they appear to work flawlessly. Most models work flawlessly ingame aswell. When WMV starts, it clearly asks if u want to load wow , wich is the exact same wow as i'm testing the models with. Now what is different between the wow client & wmv? 64 bit? The problem Now when configuring everything in the dbc etc, the model loads ingame and sometimes causes the character to freeze & is completly invisible, or otherwise causes wow.exe to crash. wich in both cases , the model doenst appear correctly. Attempts Now I tryed to convert my wow.exe to use more Ram(LAR)than the standard 4g, this only made it so that my wow uses all of my 16gig ram & causes my pc to freeze. So i have to force sign out to exit this state. Have tryed using different version of wow, wich in all cases led to no solution. Does anybody have any idea what the difference might be? Or the solution for ingame?
  13. I see, I was assuming that if wow has the m2 right, that parts wich werent properly loading would appear green. So for models that are loading correctly in Model viewer, than the issue would be the layers that we dont see? Because most models that have this issue, are more "advanced" models. Like: https://ptr.wowhead.com/item=185973/chain-of-bahmethra
  14. Yeah that's what i'm assuming aswell, but why does it load in model viewer whitout any issues and doesnt ingame? I dont get the link between them, what does WMV do different than wow.exe?
  15. Thanks , well the hand is working in model viewer. But in crashes ingame? Any idea's mate? Was considering to move it into blender and remove some layers or something that maybe cause the crash? I have all models if u want but only some are working, but feel free to pm me with request or m2's & co
  16. O had something different in mind. i'm pretty new, but I assume when multiple skin files are present then the model is still not fully finished. end result is mainly one skin and multiple blp files for different (colors/skins)
  17. when u place a patch with the newer models inside ur data folder most of the mounts should change automaticly or atleast that's what I noticed. Like horses , panthers, mechachickens things This is because the patch contains new models, with the same name as the old creature.
  18. Hi mate, i'm currently working on shadowlands retroport mounts. Could u give me some example models to see what u mean? Maybe I have more skins always happy to share
  19. Yea that's a possibility, but why would u "waste" a resource if u can use it to create the thing u want? Download wow spell editor and compare both spells, one will summon the swiftstrider and the other will summon the chicken as a mount. then simply swap them in there or make a new spell so u dont "waste" them.
  20. I believe this is the model u are looking for? dl link for patch https://mega.nz/file/cksCVCbI#AHP7qecGkYZr26Sx9A1fL1T3ny_sgStONeN3KZ2_mwA
  21. Been going through the list and experementing a bit with wow blender studio's and every single thing on this list looks really intresting!
  22. I'm very new to modding, but do u really need the models to be swapped? U could create a new spell called (Swift White Hawkstrider) and let it use the magic rooster mount spell. Or create a new creature called (Swift white hawkstrider) and give it the magic rooster display id. but if u really want it that way it's an easy job, i can create u a patch real quick.
  23. Thanks for this mate! Nice job on this :).
  24. Just to clear things out, U are missing some spells in a custom race / class combination? I'm running a Funserver aswell, and something u might have forgotten is to add the new race / class combination into playercreateinfo_spell_custom In that Database Table u can add spells to a specific race/class or both. For this to work u must have enabled PlayerStart.AllSpells = 0 in ur worldserver.conf.dist (only if u use Trinitycore, not sure about other cores)