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Everything posted by Furioz

  1. This should do the trick. ONLY REPLACE THESE FILES IN UR CLIENT PATCH, DO NOT MOVE THEM IN UR SERVER DBC FOLDER! I deleted the entries that dindt match what u want in charbaseinfo so all races with class id 11. This disables all other class combiantions for all races. I also deleted the classes from chrclasses.dbc, this disabled the class options and buttons in the client. AGAIN only leave these dbc files in ur patch, do not place them in ur server. Chrclasses will probably crash ur startup because it's missing the needed classes for wotlk to work with. The client just misses the info so it cant display it, server can still handle the disabled options if needed. CharBaseInfo.dbc ChrClasses.dbc
  2. What is the class id of this class in ChrClasses.dbc? If i know that one i'll make an adjusted CharBaseInfo.dbc for u. That should do the trick
  3. all the classes ? ? I dont think this would be an option, a class is needed in wotlk
  4. the career selection button? U mean races or classes? If u mean classes and u are using wotlk, u can do as amorath said in the second post. Delete the combinations u dislike in charbaseinfo.dbc and this should disable the creation of those race / class combinations.
  5. Is this arround the whole chunk or only in that specific corner?
  6. Yea told him to do this aswell, it's probably an error in his maps, server not finding the coordinates where this new graveyard suppose to be since it doesnt exist in the maps data.
  7. Nice work :)! Love seeing custom assest in WoW.
  8. U make a good point here , havent thought of that. I mainly decimate the model in blender to reduce tris. But after having a talk in modding discord. It seems my problem is related the the skin file u are mentioning. Gonna have a look into those and what they do. Because I always thought there was a bone limit(69) or something. But Alastor confirmed that the actual limit is alot higher.
  9. In my experience, _lodxx.skin files are mainly retroported model skin's already. Like in the post above i started with one original skin file. after merging the adjusted m2i and m2 u end up with these lod skin files.
  10. Having an hour of time, i'll see what I can do to assist u in this. I can prob get the model to work in game (glitched) or retroport it to blender(m2i) But when I get things to work in game i have to mess with bones and the model gets bugged. If someone could teach me how to merge certain bones into others this would be a great help (like bones 140-145 - fingers -> into 55 hand etc) (Numbers might be inaccurate but roughtly those) Edit: Ok so i managed to get the model into blender in its original state. First problem on it 39k polygons, and our max in wotlk is +-21500 Second problem, 230 bones and max in my case is 69. After deleting most of the bones WICH IS NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO HANDLE THIS I ended up with a usable model ingame or in model viewer. But because of the action above this is now very very glitchy. pieces of the model no longer have a decent snapping point so the model looks really bad & weird.. I also included every stage in a rar file 1/ Original model Thralls original 2/ Original model with m2i (for blender) Thrall original with m2i 3/ Original model adjusted in blender (low poly, 69 bones) ThrallS lowpoly69bones 4/ low poly, 69 bones model but WITH txid fixed & converted to wotlk (usable in game) thrallshadowlands Thrall original with m2i.rar ThrallS lowpoly69bones.rar Thralls original.rar thrallshadowlands.rar
  11. I think the person u need for fully custom models is @Alastor Strix'Efuartus From what i've seen he's one of the best if not the best on here. He has a thread in paid work with some of his work. It's incredible
  12. Pretty sure our team can do this for u, contacted u on discord.
  13. try this mate, try to find a location on ur map in noggit that doesnt crash it. When there just save all tiles and leave noggit again, then push these files into ur patch and see if the problem is fixed. If this keeps happening, upload ur map and send me the files, i'll look into it. I think I know what the cause is, but have to test to be sure :p.
  14. Like ayahne said , ur adt's are not properly working. They arent linked to make one complete zone Did u save the current adt when u were working on the region or did u save all tiles? U should ALWAYS do "save all tiles" to prevent issues with ur adt's not properly linking. And before u dindt have this problem i'm assuming? So this happend after only working in noggit?
  15. Much diserved advertisment, havent played yet but the complexity and work put into this project is insane. Really great job and applause for the team :). Good luch with the project and the future, looks very good :).
  16. Strange , I copied it from my discord. Mr. Furioz#8747 Incase ur still looking for this , send me ur discord in PM and i'll add u.
  17. Looks really nice & clean. Love the idea and the potential with it :). Very nice work.
  18. Note that this will probably be related to other functions or things in wow.exe. So it might be a very hard one to pull this off. Maybe ask Alastor, i've seen he's been doing edits in wow.exe . Maybe he has seen stuff related to max races limit. also wanted to edit it, double post was a small mistake xd
  19. Hmm would need to search for this, haven't gotten that far yet. But if we assume that this is just a value, then I'd suggest using ollydbg & wow.exe.idb and debugging the wow.exe , and search for this 21 value in an argument. Ollydbg can be googled & wow.exe.idb can be found here https://mega.nz/folder/s5gUXIxY#trILR21Wwg2Fi5wQcDV-RA/file/doBTHIRQ In Olly u can debugg the application and adjust it, then test if it still crashes.
  20. Yea at the moment ALOT of these models still have the .bones in it, most of the models are just added in it and are work in progres.
  21. Dont worry, i'll update u when we get to that point. Still some races to implement. Also when ur right ur right, I've been very busy and havent properly read everthing. the 21 mark is still a question for us, and as u mentioned it seems logical that they hardcoded it. But as always there is a way to work around it or fix it.
  22. Yeah i'm terribly sorry for the delay, have one more meeting with a client in about 30 mins and after that finally some freedom. So looking forward to finishing the next update
  23. Thank you! Been trying to get this through to ixtemp :p. Also @ixtemp -> Made by browler & me. Browler, a good friend and fellow developer ( he sells some of his incredible work here on MC), we've been talking about the races for the last weeks so i'm pretty sure what i was saying was correct :). And @Lord Arcanine You are very welcome
  24. In the client yes, that's what i've been saying aswell. It's lua and dbc (clientside) but nothing u have to do with the .exe as ixtemp stated Edit: u do however need a .exe that allows u to use lua script modding. Else u will get a message of ur client being corrupt. Wich u can find here in the download section
  25. No it isnt o.O.. Was very sure it wanst hardcoded, did a 2 minute search and voila Core work , DBC , lua & sql work. No need to touch the .exe , or remake ur client. http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=165