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Everything posted by Furioz

  1. ah damn sorry mate, been out for a while but if it makes it any better. I've struggled with this for a few weeks aswell. Was gonna write a small tutorial of how to fix it by using the main dbc and then the sub map dbc . But it seems you already got it, good work :)!
  2. That's pretty strange, never seen that error. Are you extracting this data from a fresh wotlk client?
  3. Races are quite alot of work so I kinda understand why to be honest. I would release the races I have but it's a collab between Browler & I . And this is paid work so I dont have the rights to release since browler sells his amazing work.
  4. i dont have the time nor all the files to do this for you. You have to go through the script (lua & xml) and check if all race buttons are present, if not add them. If everything is set up correctly u end up with something like this
  5. Inside charactercreate of glueparent (wich can be found in the patches in interface/gluesxml) you can add a catch if it's not already present. Where it checks for the race and then puts the background accordingly. Also in theory, if you have a background model inside interface/glues/models called Broken and everything named correctly. Then it should load this whitout to many issues.
  6. damn that looks really nice! Great tutorial & really good looking maps as result aswell. Thanks!
  7. wrong info in charactercreate.xml and/or charactercreate.lua this can be found in the interface/gluesx folder. There you have to adjust the number of races & the button details. Else you get that
    Great work , another HQ Release :). Nice work on the meshes, dindt know that. Thanks!
  8. Great work mate, very good looking mounts in there!
  9. pretty sure amarothtools has it in his package else 010Templates.rar
  10. go to wow.tools and download the latest listfile, it seems like you're isnt up to date, it doesn't know that filedataid. Try using the community guessed one.
  11. These are used as base reference for baked textures, in more clear terms. A base model wich it will paste a texture on for more "unique" creature of that respected model
  12. Great Job ! Things like this always come in handy, will def try this out shortly :). Thanks!
  13. To be honest i'm only sort of following what you are saying. But I believe wow does not use a colour palette. These .blp textures are converted .png files, you can easy convert one of these blp's with blpconverter's found on this website or install blpview to see these files in your windows explorer. For particle's , some of the particles do use rgb codes to create particle colors. For example this cape uses this texture: https://www.wowhead.com/item=152154/gilded-seraphs-drape?bonus=3612:1475 And to create one of these texture files, is pretty "simple". If you know how to draw these you can make one yourself, although I am not much of a designer. But there are easy ways to recolor the blizzard blp and make items have an entirely different look. As for example the warglaives ?
  14. I'm not sure what you are expecting here. But looking at the "!" , i'm assuming you have no idea what this is. The pack is mainly a resource pack, with models from shadowlands 9.1.5. These models have some client sided data done (dbc files) But this pack does NOT include any server side things. So you have to search for the model you want, see if it is defined in the dbc files and then add it to your own server (database) in order to spawn it ingame.
  15. did you run themapextrator on ur new created patch with this new info? vmaps or map data has to be extracted from the patch, when putting a new map in it this has to be re extracted to get this info.
  16. I assume this is what you are looking for? https://web.archive.org/web/20161204162622/http://emudevs.com:80/showthread.php/121-How-to-Custom-Races!
  17. If you are talking about the cool looking once's like the swords or backpacks. Those are quite advanced since you will probably have to add it as a spell. I haven't done it myself but a fellow dev did it that way, said it bugged if he did it normally. U probably wanna start with cloning items in the database and making those in the item.dbc & itemdisplayinfo.dbc, once u get a hold of that start retroporting things
  18. Awesome thanks! Remember that he talked to me about it but I lack the skill to convert the obj to m2's. Thanks for your time, was this done in a way that is described in amaroth's videos?
  19. Pretty sure I have this one, let me check mate. If i'll have it ill upload it :).
  20. Your welcome, If you encounter any issues, feel free to post here and i'll see if I can help :).
  21. Jup it does look alot better now . Glad it all worked out :).
  22. The background are dealt with in CharacterSelect.lua & CharacterSelect.xml . the naga model could be multiple things. Wrong id in chrRaces or link to the model missing in the xml & lua mentioned above. Deepl Translation: 背景是在CharacterSelect.lua和CharacterSelect.xml中处理的。 娜迦的模型可以是多种多样的。chrRaces中的错误ID或者上述xml和lua中缺少模型的链接。
  23. Its possible, we made this for our server (early version). The templates can be found here, it's a bit tricky to do so but u can follow this tutorial, thats how we did it.
  24. Ah yeah u want the druid icon to be hidden aswell? Dindt think of that, yeah u can hide the last button in the charcreate.xml. Will indeed be a more clean result.