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Everything posted by yuan

  1. okay,If you are willing to transplant to 243, please contact me, discord: yuan#2105
  2. Thank CrazyDane#0778 Help me
  3. 有几种无法编译和使用的移植脚本。希望您能对我 有所帮助ArenaSpectator:https://github.com/yuanf225/OregonCo...ArenaSpectator Dual-Spec:https://github.com/yuanf225/OregonCore/tree/Dual-Spec TransmogDisplayVendor:https:// github.com/yuanf225/OregonCo...gDisplayVendor 如需收费,请与我联系不和谐:yuan#2105
  4. Please tell me who it is. I want to contact him
  5. Custom race, add pandaren to alliance and Horde, respectively; discord:yuan#2105
  6. yes, even better if zhCN or zhTW is supported
  7. Custom race, add pandaren to alliance and Horde, respectively; discord:yuan#2105
  8. The download link is invalid. Can you update the link
  9. This is a very cool job. Is there any result
  10. hi man,Can I support version 243, If you need to pay, please contact me at daming225@gmail.com
  11. If it can be converted to 243, I will be interested