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Everything posted by Ghaster

  1. I wouldn't mind, you can go right ahead
  2. Thanks! You are more than welcome to translate it!.
  3. Will this work for Cata? If the table exists in your world database, then it should. But i think it was added in MoP tho.
  4. My guess would be something like this: CharacterCreateRaceButton1:Hide(); CharacterCreateRaceButton2:Hide(); CharacterCreateRaceButton3:Hide(); And so on.... Then use this line to set the race to a Blood Elf: SetCharacterRace();
  5. That IS true, but then you could remove the race/class lines in playercreateinfo aswell.
  6. It seems like alot of people are having problems with disabling races in the worldserver.conf (There is also a thread on the Trinitycore forums having the same problem). On WoD, you can just remove the race number in the table race_expansion_requirement and it will grey out the button in Character Create. On WotLK, you could maybe hide the unwanted races in CharacterCreate.lua and setting it to select blood elves everytime it loads.
  7. If it's a giant pink box, it's a missing wmo.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    010 scripts to convert m2's from WotLK to Cata and higher. Not working: Cameras Particles Shadows (maybe)
  9. It's something in the skin files, where you need to add the meshes you want shadow on. It's explained in Phillip video here, i was working on fixing it but life got in the way.
  10. First, you do not need to remove the obj1 and tex1. Cata reads them just fine. Legion you might as well forget about, they don't even work properly in WoD. doubt they would work better in Cata. WoD is possible, but harder. You will have to fix the m2 particles of all the doodads if you want m2's and such. I can't see any problems with Pandaria. But if there is, try an older version of MoP.
  11. Yes that is the tool, but as far i can see, the template is missing. I have attached it here. Template.wdl
  12. You need to load the Template wdl file. From here you can select "Low Res Height". Then click the "select adt files" and select all of your adt files. When you have all of your adt files listed, click "Generate data". and you can save the wdl file.
  13. This is your own map right? MoP and over, a wdl file is a must have. It won't work without. It won't work either if you have taken it from another map. You can make your own by using the FuTa tool with your WotLK adts.
  14. I switched to mod on WoD a few months ago, after i lost my old project in a harddrive crash. Personally, it still feels alot like WotLK modding, but the db2 files and FileData are a pain in the ass. I mostly figured the db2 stuff out with using DB2Editor, but i just hate the FileData system. It was way easier to just write the line directly into the file, instead of having to keep track of every single number. It is also extremely annoying, when you create something that worked in WotLK, but crashes on WoD for whatever reason (it took me so long to figure out how to add a new continent). WoD modding is possible, it's just hard and requires more time to figure out how to make stuff work (Which i think is what scares many people off modding on WoD)