Modeling Tutorial Series

    By Balkron,

    Hi Model-Changing!

    Right now I preparing to record my modeling tutorial series in Blender and upcoming WoW Blender Studio release (WBS still in develiopment, there is no release date). 

    The point of this topic is 'help'. I need your help, dear modders! 

    For these series I decided to make a plan, where each lesson should cover one separate field of knowledge:

    Green - approved

    Yellow - approved, but there are some unresolved moments

    Red - raw proposal

    General Parts:

    1. Inrtoduction and requirements. Basic 3D modeling workflow in general
    2. Blender modeling guide. UI, tools, modifiers
    3. Tips&Tricks. Hotkeys

    WMO Parts:

    1. Basic principles of environment design
    2. Basic principles of stylized modeling
    3. Blizzard's WMO analysis and differences (Classic -> WotLK -> BfA)
    4. WoW Blender Studio. WMO scene type workflow
    5. Up-res an existing WMO (Classic or WotLK to BfA level)
    6. WMO creation. Part 1: Creation workflow. Modeling  (human house?)
    7. WMO creation. Part 2: UVs and textures (human house?)
    8. WMO creation. Part 3: Interior, doodads, portals, settings, export, check in-game (human house?)
    9. Complex WMO creation. Part 1: Approach. Planning. Blocking out (city quarter?)
    10. Complex WMO creation. Part 2: Modeling (city quarter?)
    11. Complex WMO creation. Part 3: UVs and textures (city quarter?)
    12. Complex WMO creation. Part 4: Separate WMO parts export feature (coming soon in WoW Blender Studio)

    M2 Parts:

    Props (short form of 'Properties') - static scene object in 3D environment

    1. Basic principles of props creation
    2. Basic principles of stylized props modeling
    3. Blizzard's M2 props analysis and differences (Classic -> WotLK -> BfA)
    4. WoW Blender Studio. M2 scene type workflow
    5. Up-res an existing props (Classic or WotLK to BfA level)
    6. Prop creation. Part 1: Creation workflow. Modeling (sword?)  I would like to hear what are you interested in. If needed, I can make few props for different puproses.
    7. Prop creation. Part 2: UVs (sword?)
    8. Prop creation. Part 3: Handpainting  (custom texture painting tutorial)
    9. Prop creation. Part 4: Settings, export, check in-game (sword?)
    10. Particles (torch? waterfall?) I would like to hear what are you interested in. If needed, I can make few props for different puproses.
    11. Basic principles of character creation
    12. Basic principles of stylized creature and character modeling
    13. Blizzard's M2 creature analysis and differences (Classic -> WotLK -> BfA)
    14. Up-res and existing creature (Classic or WotLK to BfA level)
    15. Creature creation. Part 1: Creation workflow. Sculpting in ZBrush (high-res model creation) (ogre?/beast?/new race?)  I would like to hear what are you interested in. If needed, I can make few creatures or characters for different puproses.
    16. Creature creation. Part 2: Retopology
    17. Creature creation. Part 3: UVs
    18. Creature creation. Part 4:  Using ZBrush for stylized texture creation. Handpainting
    19. Creature creation. Part 5: Rigging. FK/IK (forward and inverse kinematic). Controllers
    20. Creature creation. Part 6: M2 Animation Editor (WBS). Animation
    21. Creature creation. Part 7: Settings, export, check in-game

    Optional tutorials:

    1. Concept art: Buildings, environments
    2. Concept art: Creatures, props

    I want to hear from you any proposals about each lesson that listed here. If you want to learn something, but there are no tutorial here, please share your thoughts and ideas in this topic!


    Model Changing Network needs your help!

    By Skarn,

    e1jAcp7.thumb.png.48f3fc1692c109284817c4Greetings, dear Model Changing Network users! It has been about two years since MCNet community is around. Through this time the website has grown into a pretty good place for WoW modders to stay. However, there is still a huge room for improvement. At the moment, I cannot really invest much time into maintaining the community and developing it further, neither do the rest of the people in the team. That is why I have to request the help from the community.

    I am looking for responsible people to help me out on various tasks concerning managing this board. I will list down the "positions" and requirements for them.


    • Second administrator.  This position requires some work on restructuring the board, managing permissions, writing FAQs and descriptions for various parts of the site. The requirements for this one are quite demanding as you will get a high-level access to website management such as ACP, nevertheless, this work is not exactly hard to do. In order to accept you for that position, I need to know you personally as a member of the community and trust you. The other requirement is good written English skills. IPS experience is also a huge plus, however, not mandatory.
    • Web developer. There are still a few bugs on the board that need to be fixed. So, if you are aware of IPS and web development, feel free to poke me.
    • Moderator. Our two moderators Axel and Hyakkimaru are not currently doing WoW modding, so we need new people for this position. Your duty will be to clean abusive content such as trolling or spam when you spot it. The requirement is good written English skills.

    All the work is, sadly, volunteer. If you want to help the community in any other way, please let me know through PM. 


    Noggit Qt

    By Kaev,

    This version is already very outdated. Please visit the Noggit Discord to always find the newest version.

    The most important change is probably a fix of the well known model bug as well as the removal of the requirement to fill all four layers.
    But here's a approximate changelog:

    • Steff | Fix: If you selected an model, copied to clipboard, deleted source (it it is last model on map of this type) and pasted it then. Noggit crashed.
    • Steff | Calculate camera height related to terrain height on map load.
    • Steff | Fix that texture swapper stayed visible if you changed the tool
    • Steff | Add new option to toggle model animation rendering. F11 and Menu option in View menu added for this. For easyer model selection like birds.
    • schlumpf | various memory leaks or potential crashes
    • Valium | Initial support for drawing tablets on Windows.  Crashes if you don't have a tablet installed.
    • Valium | Implemented Blizzard style wireframe.
    • schlumpf | mapchunk: save: fix: only set low_quality_texture_map bits once to avoid error in overwriting (missing clean) (the 4 layer bug)
    • Adspartan | Fix to prevent texture duplication on a chunk (swapping duplicated textures remove the duplicate).
    • Adspartan | Fix random hole bug when using the hole tool by checking is the cursor is not underground when adding a hole.
    • Adspartan | Set tile as changed when using "swap adt".
    • Adspartan | prevent m2/wmo selection when using a tool
    • Adspartan | Fix texture shift ingame
    • Adspartan | Alphamap loading / saving changes
    • Adspartan | Prevent crash when loading or drawing wmo. (for retroported WMOs)
    • Adspartan | Fix texture shift between noggit and wow client
    • Adspartan | Fix alphamap loading for uncompressed (2048)
    • Adspartan | Paste object at the cursor pos if nothing is selected
    • Adspartan | Vertex shading is now correctly implemented.
    • Kaev | This should hopefully fix all model bugs when you save your files

    You can download Noggit SDL in the Release section: